Chapter 5, part 2 (1987 flashback)

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Derek jumped up, rudely awakened up by a loud clanging. A guard was hitting the metal bars of his cell with a baton, amused as he watched Derek's reaction.

"Wake up sleepy head, eat your food," the guard shoved a plastic tray half-filled with gruel into Derek's cell, "they're expecting you in the lab in 15 minutes."

"Get moving, idiot!" the guard yelled when he saw Derek still sitting on his bed, if it can even be called that. Derek glared at the guard, picking up the tray. He considered whether he should eat it or not. It wasn't like he had a menu to choose from, like the restaurant would have if he had actually made it to see Jenny, Derek thought to himself. His heart broke at the thought of possibly never seeing her again, gone without an explanation.

No, he can't do this to Jenny, to himself. He had to stay strong and find a way to return to her. He picked up the spork, eating only because he needed the energy to continue and to devise a plan to escape. The guard smiled, letting Derek eat before taking him to the lab.

Derek was pushed through the lab doors. He suspected that the place belonged to HYDRA, the statement proven true when he saw the paper work they handed him on the first day he arrived. HYDRA wanted him to alter his invention to closely resemble what Erskine had made. They wanted an alternative super soldier serum, and what better idea than to kidnap the man who was close to recreating it.

Derek tried to convince them that his serum wasn't stable enough yet to be altered further. There were still some calculations in the formula to work out. Some stabilizing adjustments that would determine if the receiver of the serum will either heal rapidly than normal, or die from their cells disintegrating from the inside. But they refused to listen. After enough threats from them and moral battles within himself, he decided to play along with their cruel game. For now, at least.

He doesn't know how long he has been in captivity, forced to work for a cause against his principles, altering his own invention that he was starting to regret the existence of. He wondered if he was wrong all along. After some time, he managed to work out the formula, altering the serum's functionality. The serum now has a 65-82% rate of success in not only increasing healing rates, but also granting people physical enhancements in terms of speed and strength.

He almost destroyed the vial in hate towards what he had done, until HYDRA mentioned looking for his parents and Jenny. That was his limit. He broke and allowed them to study the serum and its components, the HYDRA scientists quickly working on replicating it. Three hours later, Derek was told that he had guests who were interested to see his accomplishments.

"It's... it's possible after all! You've done it!" the scientist said, walking from the lab door to Derek's side, looking at the calculations on the board, scanning the various monitors in front of them displaying a variety of information. Derek could only look down dejectedly.

"Do tell me, how did you manage to figure it out this fast? We have tried for so long! Your brilliant mind would be such a great addition to our team," the scientist said, genuinely applauding Derek's accomplishment. The door opened as a group of people walked through. Derek barely moved his head until he heard a familiar voice speak out from the group.

"That's because the alteration of the serum had always been possible, he was just too cowardly to do the right thing. He chose to be peaceful, now look at the complications it has brought upon him. If only I was the one to reach the breakthrough, we would have our super soldiers by now," the man said. Derek's eyes looked up to the source of the voice, instantly recognizing who it was. Jude Griffin. He was one of the scientists that worked in the same lab with Derek.

"You... You're with HYDRA, all this while? You told them about this?! What have you done, you traitor!" Derek screamed in rage, charging at Jude until some guards held him back and forced him to relax.

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