Chapter 42

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Beads of cold sweat rolled down her spine as she sat up in bed. Bits of Natasha's dreams still played out in her mind before she finally wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, sighing quietly as she did so. She desperately wished that her dream was just that; a dream. But seeing how the images of her friends and loved ones disintegrated into dust remains seared in her mind, she sat heavily at the side of her bed as the realization that that was their reality now fell heavily on her once more.

She got up, the sound of her bare footsteps echoing a little too loud as she made her way down the hallway, as if a grim reminder of how much emptier the large compound was now. Natasha tried her best to ignore the other room doors and especially the thoughts of their previous occupants as she slowly walked to the med bay.

It's been almost a week since the incident, and every day has been the same routine for Natasha. Wake up horrified, walk down to the med bay, check on Y/n, and try to go back to sleep to survive another day. Then rinse and repeat, whatever happens in between still felt insignificant. It was the least Natasha could do to find a semblance of a new routine to keep her sane while she tried to figure out what was happening.

Her eyes were still weary from sleep as they landed on Y/n. From the dimmed lighting of the med bay, she could see Steve standing by Y/n's side, his arms crossed on his body as he watched over her quietly, a pensive look on his face. "I don't think staring is gonna help her that much." Natasha's voice made Steve look at her, giving her a small smile before he turned his attention back to Y/n. A brief look of tiredness flashed on his face before he spoke.

"I know. If it did, she would've been up and running by now, thanks to you."

Natasha chuckled softly, walking up to Steve and squeezing his arm gently, the familiar sight of an unconscious Y/n greeting her. They stood together in silence, the sound of the machines around them filling the room. "How long do you think she'll be like this?" Natasha reached out for Y/n's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as if trying to rouse her from her deep rest.

"She's actually doing much better. Her wounds are healing up nicely," Helen's voice called out as she approached them, a warm cup of coffee in her hands.

"You're still awake?" Steve asked her, eyebrows raised in question.

"I could ask the two of you the same thing." Helen smiled. She checked on Y/n's vitals as the two watched intently. "The wound was deep and the blood loss was, to be honest, pretty severe. Her powers could've expedited the healing process but obviously, she was in no condition to do so. Luckily, the doctors at Wakanda were swift at taking action. The damage done by whatever weapon she was attacked with was... something." Helen sighed. "Now the issue is what the destruction of the stone had done to her. That's a trickier subject to tend to. But considering all that, she's recuperating well. Don't worry. I got her." Helen winked at Natasha and Steve, assuring them as she sipped her coffee.

"Thanks, Helen," Steve nodded. "If she wakes up—"

"Inform you and Natasha immediately, I got it, Steve. Don't worry." Steve smiled gratefully at her before excusing himself to leave. Helen noticed Natasha lingering, her thumb anxiously rubbing the back of Y/n's hand by now. "I remembered her joke about how we'd always end up meeting at the med bay. The irony's not lost on me now," Helen joked, making Natasha smile. "If there's one thing I learned about her... She always gets back up. She'll push through. I'll make sure of it again this time. Get some rest yourself, okay?"

"Thanks again, Helen. We really appreciate what you've done. We're lucky that you didn't—" Natasha's words were stuck along with the lump forming in her throat. "Just, thank you," she whispered. Helen squeezed Natasha's shoulder in response before giving her some time with Y/n. Not long after, Natasha made her way back to her room. She lay on her bed, eyes looking tiredly at the ceiling. I have to hang on. For everyone. I'll make it right again, somehow. Один день за раз, Наташа. Один день за раз.

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