Chapter 54

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Lyssa landed harshly, crashing into the ground before stopping abruptly. Despite her pain and confusion, she could feel the terrain giving in to her form. She realized that she was lying face down and tried to turn around, but her body felt too heavy. Her shield started to give out, seeing how tired she was, and something on her face was suffocating her slowly. She thought that this was it for her until she felt her body move. Someone was pulling her, checking on her pulse. She could only open her eyes so much, seeing a blurry face above her before she passed out.


She woke up, gasping loudly, remembering how something was suffocating her earlier. She choked on the air as it rushed into her lungs, coughing herself awake. She heard someone approach her side quickly.

"Calma, por favor." An older woman stood next to Lyssa, carefully gauging her reaction. "Você está seguro aqui. Eu sou Fernanda."

Lyssa moved away as she looked at the stranger, wondering who she was. She was in civilian clothing with no indication of her being associated with HYDRA, but Lyssa still kept her guard up. "Where am I?! How did you find me?"

The woman looked at Lyssa, arms up to show she was harmless. "Você fala Inglês? Okay... I—I am Fernanda. You are safe here at our home. I didn't find you."

"It was me," another woman's voice called out from the other end of the room. Lyssa looked around, seeing a younger woman dressed in all black approach them. "I found you. On the beach."

Lyssa stood up from the bed they placed her on and backed away to the corner of the room, accessing her situation. Fernanda signaled to the younger woman to give Lyssa some space. "It's okay," Fernanda assured Lyssa. "Here, have some water," she offered a cup, and Lyssa just stared at it as Fernanda introduced the younger woman. "This is Maria. She was the one who saved you and brought you here."

"That's right. It was meant to be, I guess. Any later and you would've suffocated in the sand. You should be thankful," Maria replied, taking the glass from Fernanda and taking a sip before offering it to Lyssa. "Caso ela pense que é veneno," she quickly said to Fernanda before looking back at Lyssa. "It's water. I know your throat is dry as hell. Come on. Drink or I will."

Lyssa felt her throat scratch, annoyed that Maria was right. She took the cup from Maria carefully and took a sip. She felt the cool liquid move down her throat, closing her eyes in relief. Maria smirked as she watched Lyssa drink. Fernanda offered to refill the glass and Lyssa accepted, gulping the water down greedily after that. Her thirst sated, she looked at both women, questions still unanswered at the back of her mind.

"That was Portuguese I heard? Estou no Brasil?"

"Sim!" Fernanda smiled. Lyssa sensed no danger from her or Maria, which relaxed her a little. "Are you hungry? I have some food. I make really good stew," Fernanda offered. Lyssa admitted that she was hungry, but she didn't want to trouble them or put them in danger by staying any longer. Before she could turn the offer down, Fernanda walked away, chirping happily about the dish she made. Maria laughed watching Lyssa's reaction, gesturing for Lyssa to follow her.

"Come on, walk with me. Don't worry, you're not a prisoner here. Maybe just an unexpected guest," Maria said, walking out of the room. Lyssa followed her into the hallway where a delicious smell wafted in the air. "Fernanda's a really good cook, so it'll be wise to stay for a meal. Plus, it's in her nature to nurture, so don't break her heart by leaving too soon, huh?" Maria chuckled.

Lyssa listened to Maria speak as she looked around her. From what she could see, it was a small 2-story building, the interiors looking homely. Nothing resembling the cold HYDRA walls. She felt herself relax a bit more. They passed by a room with an open door, and Lyssa saw a young boy sitting on his bed reading a comic book. He glanced up at them as they passed by and looked away quickly after, which seemed a little bizarre to Lyssa. Maria led her down the stairs towards the dining table, where Fernanda happily placed a bowl of stew in front of her. Lyssa's stomach grumbled loudly, making Fernanda and Maria laugh.

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