Chapter 33

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A/N: Longer chapters, apologies to those who prefer shorter reads. I'd say that these parts, though tedious to go through, are the crucial building blocks of Y/n's story and character. You'll understand why later (if you hang around long enough, hopefully!) It's not going to be so sweet and easy anymore for our poor Y/n. Character development gods, please be gentle  :')

Three days. It's been three days, and nothing's changed. Stop hoping and move on. Y/n sat cross-legged on the shooting range floor, lost in her thoughts as she mindlessly massaged the spot where her bandage used to be. It was a random habit that she had developed. This wound healed nicely. Can't say the same about the recent emotional damage, though. She thought about the morning after the night she had 'that' conversation with Wanda.

Wanda had greeted her as if nothing had happened. Y/n wanted to believe that Wanda didn't remember any of their conversation at all. But the next night, when they were all relaxing in the lounge after dinner, Wanda sat next to Y/n and scooted closer until they were shoulder to shoulder, much to Vision's slightly apparent chagrin. This morning? Y/n was half-relieved that she woke up earlier than usual because apparently, Wanda was about to make her some pancakes for breakfast.

I think she remembers, though I don't know to what extent. That's the only way to explain her behavior. Did she forget what she said? Y/n thought, vehemently biting into the apple that she had chosen for her breakfast instead. At the back of her mind, she could guess what Wanda was trying to do, but she just didn't understand why. Her choice was clearly made, seeing that Vision was still around her as much as he could help it. Doesn't she understand what I meant when I said I couldn't do this? The sound of footsteps snapped Y/n out of her thoughts. She knew immediately who it belonged to.

"Somebody's early. Don't tell me you're actually excited to train?" Natasha teased as she made her way to Y/n. She watched as Y/n absent-mindedly toyed with a half-eaten apple with her blue mist. "That's breakfast? Thought I heard Vision say something about Wanda wanting to cook for you." Natasha received an annoyed look in response which piqued her interest.

"Come to think of it... Wanda did look upset. There was no breakfast spread either. Unfortunately. And you're here, looking very happy as well," Natasha smiled curiously. Her smile faded when she noticed Y/n's annoyance turn into something else, sighing as she spoke. "Alright, I'll bite. What happened?"

"I'm fine." Y/n stood up, flinging the fruit away indifferently. Her blue mist formed wisps that rockets it into a trash can across the room. Natasha stared at her, unimpressed. Y/n ignored her sharp gaze. "Can we start? Been a while since I've done any weapons training. I kinda miss it," Y/n said, picking up a handgun and quickly checking the chamber to make sure it wasn't loaded before reaching for a magazine to reload.

"Nope," Natasha easily disarmed her, placing the weapon away. "No training while upset. You've been grumpy since the party, and that was days ago. What is it? And don't try to BS me, I can read you pretty well by now. Скажи мне."

"Can you really?" Y/n challenged, further irritated by Natasha's insistence. If looks could kill, though, Y/n swears she would be in a dirt bed by now.

"Did something happen between you and Maximoff?" Natasha waited patiently for a reply, sensing one at the precipice of Y/n's mind, ready to fall at any moment. And she was right, judging by Y/n's reaction.

After some time of having the side of her face studied intensely, Y/n relents. She rolled her eyes, nodding slowly as her lips pressed thinly together.

A small smile crept on Natasha's face as her left eyebrow raised, teasing Y/n. "I had a feeling about you two."

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