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By the time we got back Carol and Carl were already ready to open the gate

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By the time we got back Carol and Carl were already ready to open the gate. We stopped in between the two gates. Me and Rick hopped out and the former cop told Maggie to drive up the hill to the other car. Rick rushed to his son and they hugged while I saw Carol take a glance in the car. »Where's Daryl?« The woman asked a bit worried and I poked my inner cheek with my tongue, shaking my head.

»It's alright. He's alive.« Rick started but I intervened »Nothing is alright. We ran into his lovely brother and guess where Daryl ran off with. Besides we have more important problems.«. Rick gave me a death glare which I gladly returned before walking off into the direction of the prison. My mind was some sort of at ease once I thought of Major. I sped up my walk and saw Hershel, Beth and my dog standing there. Maggie hugged her sister and father before they turned to me.

Beth came running with a big grin on her face which was contagious. I opened my arms and let her sink into me while holding her close. »I am so glad you're ok.« She whispered before kissing me on my cheek and letting go. I finally turned to Major who impatiently ran in circles as I crouched down. He started licking my cheeks and hands, making me giggle. I ruffled his fur and gave him a big kiss on his head before standing up again.

I still gave him some pats while walking over to Hershel who had a heart warming smile on his face. He looked calm as always. The elderly man opened his one arm for me and I gladly took the invite. At one point he started to turn into a father figure for me. »We have some newcomers. I'm not sure Rick will quite like the idea to let them join us though.« He said as I let go. Hershel took his crutch back at his arm to support his weight. »I will try my best to speak with Rick but with our problems in hand.. I don't know Hershel.« I said unsure after processing what he said about to newcomers.

If these people are dangerous and lying, we have a new problem lining up with the others we're already trying to deal with. »Still..thank you for at least trying.« He calmly thanked me and I sighed deeply. Once I turned around Maggie walked up to me with my sniper rifle in her hands. Beth began to rush to Rick, Carl and Carol. I thanked Maggie as she handed me my sniper before taking it gently while Carl rushed in the prison.

My feet took me up the metal stairs and through the loud sliding doors which lead to the common room. Everyone looked at me. Carl was on the right side, leaning against a table. On the other side was four people. Three men and one woman. The woman and man with a beanie on looked like siblings. The guy with a jeans jacket and beard and the younger guy seemed off but still friendly enough for my liking.

I walked down the stairs and the woman got up along with the others. »Are you the leader?« She asked calmly. »No. I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you.« I responded while putting my hand out for her to shake. She was hesitant but took it. »Sasha. That's my brother Tyreese. They're both our friends, Allen and Ben.« She introduced me to them while pointing to each that she named.

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