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My eyes flickered open, slowly adjusting to the light

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My eyes flickered open, slowly adjusting to the light. I deeply in- and exhaled as my eyes saw the archer completely knocked out. Quiet snores escaped him and I just couldn't help but smile. How did I deserve someone like him? My hand moved to his face, carefully brushing his hair away before it went back to the position like it was a few seconds ago; on his bare chest. I just noticed that he had scars on it as well, not just his back which looked way worse. How could a father do such thing to his own fucking son?

My fingers slid over the scars and I heard soft groaning. He was waking up. His beautiful blue eyes were looking at me. A huff escaped his lips before he smiled. God, that smile. »Mornin'.« He muttered. The sleep affected his voice, making it sound deeper and raspier. »Morning.« I answered, feeling his hand on my cheek, caressing it. A brief moment went by before I cleared my throat. »Do you need to go somewhere today?« I asked quietly. »Rick 'nd I are goin' on a supply run. We are low on medication. Maybe we're gonna find some people.« he replied retreating his hand.

I hummed as a response and out of disappointment. The both went out often. Rick relied more and more on Daryl again and it seemed like he was his right handman like how he was back at the prison. My lover noticed and planted a kiss to my forehead before pinching my cheek gently. »Sweetheart-«, »It's okay. I understand.« I interrupted him, ignoring that he used that nickname on me. I suppressed the feeling of the butterflies flying around in my stomach. He slowly sat up and scooted to the side so his feet was making contact with the floor.

»Do you?« I heard him as I sat up, my eyes staring at his back. »I do. It's just sad not seeing you often.« I responded, my hands massaging over my inner thighs since they started to throb. My lover stood up and took a pair of socks out of the closet. »I feel the same but I can't change it. If Rick's needin' me, then it's like that.« He spoke, slipping into the socks before he grabbed his pants from the floor. »Wow, didn't know Rick was more important to you. Is there something going on?« I asked playfully with a smirk.

A scoff escaped him. »Shut up.« He muttered, tossing my top from yesterday at me. I chuckled, scooting to the edge of the bed carefully. My feet took me to the couch after I grabbed my clothes from the floor. I had my lingerie on but still I felt flustered, feeling his gaze on me. Could be because my back was full with scars like his or he just enjoyed his view. »What are you doin' today?« He questioned, putting his blouse with ripped off arms on. »I don't know. Maybe I'll go hunting, stand in the watchtower or just do something else.« I explained, huffing and picking my outfit for the day out.

As he finished buttoning his blouse up, he walked to me and hugged me from behind. I felt him kiss my shoulder and I smiled uncontrollably. »Did I hurt you last night?« The archer asked hesitantly, making me feel all warm and fuzzy because he cared about how I felt. His hands went over my back, my scars specifically. »No. Just.. let's just say I wasn't with a man since years.« I replied shyly, turning to him. I saw in his eyes how guilty he felt and a sigh escaped me before I moved to the bed. »Daryl you really didn't. It was nothing I can't handle,« I said while putting my socks and pants on.

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