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A whole fucking lot changed over the year and half

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A whole fucking lot changed over the year and half. The settlements were updated, we have solar panels in Alexandria now. It looks so much better and safer. The Sanctuary is thriving as well. We had outside wheat growing. There was even a mechanic place where cars and especially motorcycles were repaired. Daryl used his time often there. Me too, because of him of course. Now it's probably, hopefully, clear that we are staying at the Sanctuary.

Me and him have the place under control even though there are still some Saviors left that don't want to be on our side. They paint stuff on walls, wanting Negan back and some shit. We both hate it, staying here, but Rick knows we can handle a lot so we got assigned to babysit this place. Speaking of babies, me and Daryl talked about having a family, which turned again into an argument at some point. Later on when we both calmed down and sat down, promising not to scream at each other we talked it through.

In the end we came to the solution that we do want to try starting a family. But when it's safer, you probably think everything got calmer and it did but we still had so many things to do. For now, only thing in mind is: work.

I grew closer with everyone too. Judith even speaks now more often. Today when I visited her, Rick and the others and because I was picking up a couple of scrap/bike parts she showed me a self drawn painting. My niece explained how the people on the drawing was me, her father, Michonne, the king,.. It felt normal for once, as if no undead walkers were existing and roaming the earth. It was like she brought you into this world of happiness, without worry or sadness or any negative thoughts...

Speaking of which, I visit as often as I can which isn't very often if I say so myself my nephew's grave. I kneel down, sometimes even speaking to his grave what had happened and that his future started to become reality. People might think I'm crazy, you know what maybe I am, but it gives me this peace.

When I was at Alexandria, Rick told me about the plan again. A trip to the city. There was a museum apparently with stuff that we could use and seriously I didn't know why we didn't think of it first.

A big problem though, we didn't really know if the city was overflown by walkers. That's why a small group went out and came back with fantastic news that no walkers were there. My question though: from Rick, Atlanta was absolutely full of the undead so why is this one so empty? Little worrying among other things but I need my head to be clear so I push it back and focus on the present.

The present; I was on a beautiful Paint horse which is a piebald horse breed. The kids called her Checkers. The horse is brown with white spots. My bike needed some new tires so that's why I left it behind and honestly horses are amazing. If they don't get scared and not attract walkers that is. We were on our way to the museum that we talked about. Everyone was on horseback or carriage, besides of course my lover.

There were some walkers here and there. Their flesh already melting off their bones from the heat and how long they probably were sitting or laying on the floor. Crazy how their brain makes them do this. My eyes already saw the doors from the museum and I let out a breath. I spurred on my horse and in seconds she started trotting. The others were behind me as I was the one that was in the front.

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