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»We'll cover you

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»We'll cover you. Don't be out too long.« Carol chimed in. We just nodded on top of that I gave them a thumbs ups before they walked away. »Since you're gonna stick with me, I need to be extra careful now.« The archer rasped once they were out of sight. He started to walk into a direction and I just followed him. »What is that supposed to mean?« I asked amused, my eyes on the floor to see if something looked suspicious.

»You're a distraction.« Daryl just muttered and as a response I fake gasped. He suddenly stopped making me almost bump into him. I moved my eyes towards him and I just saw his smirk. He gave me a soft peck on my lips which I returned before he told me to keep quiet. »Are you trying to tell me that I'm usually loud?« I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. »Never said that.« I heard from him as an uncontrollable smile rose on my lips.

After a few minutes of following a track that Daryl found we heard leaves rustling. The archer aimed his crossbow and I just walked after him. »Come out. Now!« He said a louder than usual. Out of all people Aaron came out of the bushes with his hands up. My lover lowered his crossbow and so did the guy with his hands. »You can tell the difference between walkers and humans by sound?« He asked and the archer didn't budge, not saying anything.

»It's not really hard. You can hear and smell the walkers instantly and if not you could just imagine someone limping lazily and exhausted while the footsteps from a human is more thought out. Like an actual brain working right. That's what I think at least.« I explained, trying to ease the tension. Aaron listen carefully, nodding before he turned to Daryl again. »Why you followin' us?« He told him pissed off, stepping forward. »I didn't know I was. I came out to hunt rabbits. I know why you're out here. Mind if I join?« Aaron asked, his eyes flickering from him to me.

The archer seemed to think before he turned around, taking my hand into his and just going. »Keep up. 'nd keep quiet.« Before I could think he was leaving him behind he spoke up, making me smile. Daryl looked like he was opening up even though he made tiny steps. I looked back seeing Aaron smile while he followed us. We followed after the trail that the archer noticed at first. My ears picked up a snarling and I let go of his hand, grabbing my sniper while the both guys stopped.

Aaron was about ask something but Daryl just put his hand up to stop him. I aimed at where I heard the snarl, seeing a walker in the scope. I quickly pulled the trigger and the bullet flew out with silent 'pew' sound because of the silencer. »That was amazing! Your aim is truly fascinating.« Aaron beamed once the walker dropped to the ground and I placed the sniper on my back again. »It better be.« I offered him a smile, following the archer again, since he began to walk already.

A few miles after killing that walker we got to an open place. A beautiful black horse stood there, eating the green gras on the floor. »I've been trying to catch him for months, bring him inside. His name is Buttons. One of the kids saw him run by the gate a while back. Thought he looked like a Buttons. I haven't seen him for a while. I was afraid it was too late.« Aaron explained while we stood quiet, listening to him. The guy placed his backpack on the floor, opening it and grabbing a rope out of it.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now