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Aaron grew more inpatient and frustrated

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Aaron grew more inpatient and frustrated. He screamed that we should let him out before he kicked the door open, not realising that Michonne stood there. She flew back, yelping. I instantly moved, getting out of the car, swinging the duffle bag on my back and helping the woman up. We were about to run after him but Rick told us we should leave him and that we should find our people. »They saw that flare. They'll think we shot it. This is how we find them.« Michonne told him. Rick was taking his machete out while I grabbed my knife.

We ran into the woods, going after Aaron. More like the way he ran off to. Walkers started to come out of the woods from everywhere and Rick shot at them. Glenn shot the undead with his shotgun while Michonne sliced their heads off. I was stabbing the walker who got the closest to me. From the corner of my eye I saw Glenn moving more and more away from us, backwards, with walkers stumbling after him.

My instincts kicked in, running after him and stabbing the walkers. After killing every bastard, Glenn was about to thank me but stopped as I threw the knife at the walker behind him. The guy panted looking at the corpse before to me. »Shit, thank you.« He said out of breath as I went to the walker and took my knife out of his forehead. »No problem. We need to go back.« I told him while wiping the sweat away from my face. Glenn nodded but we couldn't even take a step as we heard a voice.

»Get off!« We heard once we approached Aaron. He was kicking a walker away. I saw Glenn think about leaving him. »We aren't like that.« I mumbled to him. »You're right. Come on.« He replied to me, smiling. I returned his smile before throwing my knife at the walker, hitting it perfectly in the side of his head. Aaron looked shocked, his eyes on the corpse before he moved them to us. Glenn cut the zip ties off of his hands while I grabbed my knife again, wiping it clean on the walkers clothes.

There was gunshots, possibly from Rick. »Run if you want. I got other things to worry about.« Glenn told him while walking away. I followed him before giving Aaron an apologetic smile. »We can make it together. But we can only make it together. You said that. I was listening.« Aaron stopped us because he said that. Me and Glenn turned towards him, processing what he meant by that. »We won't leave our people behind. That's not us.« I intervened before putting the knife back in my combat boot.

I started to walk off not wasting anymore time while taking my handgun out. Good thing is I knew how to track. Well.. Animals? Not so much. Footsteps? I could say I'm semi-good. Glenn and Aaron followed after me, I could hear it from their footsteps. After a couple seconds that felt like maybe half an hour we got back, seeing a red glow come from the head of a walker. Rick had the flare gun. We speeded up and started to shoot at the walkers who came closer since Rick was out of ammo.

The both turned to us and we stopped. »If you really want to tie me up again, that's fine, but hurry up.« Aaron said, holding his hands up before placing his handgun on the floor. Rick took it before saying »There's no time. We're going that way.«. We went after him, running to the road once we saw it. Route 16. »Where are they?« Grimes got close to the guy, asking. Aaron said he didn't know which made me curse under my breath as I panted. Several things ran through my head. Where the others alive? How are the kids? How is Daryl? Did they ran into a trap?

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now