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Two days went by and I still didn't got assigned to my 'job'

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Two days went by and I still didn't got assigned to my 'job'. Daryl got up when the sun began to rise, leaving me alone on the floor. I didn't think bad about it, he always woke me up to tell me where he is going before giving my temple a kiss. The others were already out, doing their job and I just walked down the stairs, my eyes meeting with a Carol that I have never seen before. »Who are you and what did you do with my friend Carol?« I asked, making her notice me.

She offered me a smile before turning to show herself of. I snorted, covering my mouth. »I like the warrior Carol better, she is hot. I mean, you still are but you look cute and wholesome. Like this community.« I told her, walking towards her. »That's my point. Fake it till you make it, right? These people are weak.« She answered, her voice growing colder at the end. She was right, though. I felt that since we got here. Carol opened the door and I followed her outside, noticing Daryl who hurt himself while playing around with his crossbow.

The man was sitting on the railing of the porch. »Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles.« The woman spoke sarcastically, high pitching her voice which made me giggle. »What?« the archer asked before looking up from his crossbow. He looked her up and down, probably thinking if this is a joke. »Make dinner for the older people, moms who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbours that way.« Carol explained while I walked to Daryl, leaning against the railing.

Daryl scoffed with a smile. »Alright.« He rasped, in disbelief. »Have you taken a shower yet?« She asked him, defeated. The archer just hummed a yes before I let out a snort which I couldn't hold back. Carol noticed, shaking her head. »Take a shower. I'm gonna wash that vest. We need to keep up appearances, even you. You need to look good for Y/N.« The woman told him jokingly while walking down the stairs. My smile grew wider. »Hey, I ain't startin' now.« Daryl muttered, looking at Carol.

»If Y/N won't do it then I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep.« She said, sending me a smile before walking along the path. »You look ridiculous.« the archer spoke a bit louder for her to hear. I just chuckled, pushing myself away from the railing. My arms snickered around his waist while I smirked. »You should really take a shower.» I said to him, making him stop at what he was doing before he sighed. »Maybe you're scared. Should I hold your hand? I needed to shower Major multiple times and trust me, he was like a cat.« I added, fake gasping before the smirk plastered on my face again.

»You tryin' to tell me, 'm a dog?« His eyes moved to mine as he asked. »I never said that.« I replied, pulling my arms back to cross my arms. The smirk didn't look like it would leave for a while. My lover seemed almost amused. The archer hopped off the railing, now standing in front of me. »Y'know what? Maybe I need help with showerin'.« He muttered as a dark shadow cascaded his face, his lips turning into a smirk as well. »You do?« I asked innocently, trying my best not to laugh.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now