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We walked for about days

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We walked for about days. Carol told us she is going to bring us there but leave. I was about to tell her that isn't going to happen but a snarl interrupted me. A walker stumbled out of the woods and I nodded to the both before going towards it. Once it fell to the ground I was about to turn around but heard more snarls from my right.

My eyes met with a small herd and I turned towards Carol and Tyreese. »More.« I whisper-yelled, rushing after them as they ran into the woods. There was a hill where we hid behind but it was impossible for them not to follow us. Before we were about to go further away there was a gunshot, leading the walkers away which was perfect timing. The little herd passed us and we walked out to the rails.

»The gunfire, could be from Terminus.« Ty spoke up, holding baby Judith in his arms. Carol guessed they attacked someone or someone was attacking them. »Do we even want to find out?« The guy asked, still heavy breathing. I turned to him nodding, »Yeah. I saw that there was another track due east. It'll get us there. We'll be real careful. We're going to get the answers to our questions.« I replied to him before placing my duffle bag down and taking the water bottle out.

I took a few sips before handing it to Carol who grabbed it with a sigh of relief. She held the bottle towards Ty after she finished. As Tyreese gave me the bottle back I put it in the duffle bag and slung it over my arms like a backpack again. We began walking again through the woods and it wasn't far away till we got to a little wooden hut.

A guy was putting down fireworks on the ground, talking to some woman on the walkie-talkie. He mentioned a woman with a sword which sounded pretty much like he meant Michonne. Carol wanted to be the one to go first and I let her. We sneaked up behind him, Carol pointed her handgun against his head. »Keep your finger off the button and drop it.« She said with a strict voice. The stranger told us we didn't need to do it because they got a place which is safe blah blah blah. The same shit you get told to try and change your mind.

Ty told him to shut up and he answered with an 'okay'. »We're friends with the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat.« I told him while looking at the hut and back to the stranger before grabbing his arm and pushing him forward. Once in the wooden hut I saw a rope and grabbed it. I tied it around his feet and hands after pushing him on the floor. Carol and Tyreese began scavenging while I kept an eye on the guy.

»They attacked us. We're just holding them.« He spoke up, earning a scoff from me. Carol told him she didn't believe him. Ty asked him who he has and what their names are. »We just have the boy and the samurai, that's it. We were just protecting ourselves.« The man responded and I shook my head. Carol repeated what she said to him earlier.

»There's a bunch of us out there, in six different directions. There was a lot of gunfire back home. We need to set off our charges all at the same time to confuse the dead ones away. That's good for you, too.« the stranger declared, pointing towards us with his tied hands while still chewing his gum. Carol told her that it isn't and I agreed with a nod. »There is a herd heading toward Terminus right about now and we don't want to confuse them away. We're going to need their help.« I responded while looking at him with a death glare.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now