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TW: mentions of rape

I don't know how much time passed, probably about two-three days

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I don't know how much time passed, probably about two-three days. It was horrible in there. I was practically living in a cell, naked. My clothes, weapons, everything got taken from me and I was thrown into this pit. Everyday the same fucking song started to play so I couldn't sleep, my food consisted of sandwiches with dog food in them and barely any water. I knew why I was here. They wanted to break me so I would join them. Dwight was always the one bringing me food while a guy called Dave was my 'care-taker'.

The same guy who tried to have his way with me yesterday. The same guy who got tortured and killed today by Negan. I carved every detail in my mind that I could find. For example that Sherry was here as well, 'working' as a wife. Negan's wife to be exact. To make it even better, he didn't just have one, he had many wives. She tried speaking to me once but got interrupted by Dwight. No one is allowed to speak to me unless the higher-ups. The next thing is; one of the things Negan absolutely hated was rape and that is why that bastard is rotting in hell right now even though he luckily didn't get the chance to but Negan was worried about him doing it again and yeah, bye bye Dave.

I'm on egg shells and starving me is not making my mentals any better. Dwight brought me to the doctor to see how I was because of the lack of sleep and food. I picked up his name which was Carson as well. He could be related to the doc from hilltop, now you probably think that I could team up with him but I'm pretty sure I can't. He was working for Negan and he sure as hell makes me feel like a loyal friend of his. I got for the first time being here clothes. Dirty sweatpants and a pullover that had an A sprayed on it.

Dwight showed me how it looked outside, trying to scare me that I will be one of the walkers they have chained up or I will be one of them. Currently my weak body was leaned against a wall and I tried to ignore the song somehow but I couldn't, it was too damn loud. Every minute of my free time in the cell, I was thinking about my family, how they were. Maggie lost her husband and Sasha and Rosita lost Abraham. My mind drifted to Carol. I haven't seen her since the day when Denise died. I never tried to escape because Negan is fucking everywhere and I mean that he has so many guards.

And surprise surprise everyone calls themselves Negan which is really confusing me but I didn't care about that. The leader can play his sick game for all I care. Suddenly I heard my name. »Y/N?« It was a feminine voice; Sherry. »There's so many things I wish I never found out.. I wish I didn't try. Back in the woods, after I lost Tina when we took your stuff, when we decided to go back. I told you and Daryl I was sorry. He said "You're gonna be." and.. I am.« she finished what she was saying. I heard her footsteps going faint because she walked away and a soft scoff escaped me.

We tried helping them and this is the karma they got. Dwight's face got burned and Sherry is the wife from Negan now. I'm actually happy to be in my position than in theirs. I don't know how much time passed when the door opened to reveal the dirty blond again with a sandwich in his hand but I didn't take it this time. I grabbed it and threw it at him. »You should be dead. But Negan's taken a shine to you. You're lucky. Don't forget.« he spat while crouching down to my level. He took a picture from his vest which was once Daryl's and put it on the wall next to me.

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