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Michonne was already here and Daryl arrived just a few minutes ago

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Michonne was already here and Daryl arrived just a few minutes ago. He told us that we won't need to worry about Merle anymore which gave us the clear answer he died. He cleaned his arrows, next to his motorbike while the others started to pack their stuff. Major didn't leave his side since he came back. Understandable.

After leaving my motorcycle for a few days without using it, it had a few problems so I worked on it. I already hugged him and told him how sorry I am but I felt like it wasn't enough. I stood up, cleaning my hands with a wet cloth before walking over to him. Major noticed me and so did Daryl. He was sat down on the ground, leaned back against the wall. I sat down next to him and was quiet, giving him his peace before I would talk.

»Merle never did nothin' like that his whole life.« Daryl said out of a sudden, his voice a bit faint. I in- and exhaled, trying to find the right words. »This world can change people, even if their bad. He let Michonne go. Gave us a chance.« I muttered and grabbed his hand to squeeze it. I saw him gulp and bite his inner cheek like he usually did before squeezing my hand back.

»He did what he did because he truly cared for you. When you went to the meeting with Rick and Hershel he was ready to walk out and go after you. That's why he fought with Glenn.« I added, letting him know how Merle felt towards him. He was an asshole yes. He had it coming, but he was his brother nonetheless. Hell, he could have betrayed us but didn't. Now that I think about it he probably was searching for drugs because he saw it coming as well.

The archer scoffed next to me but I could see his eyes welling up. I cursed myself because of making him cry, tried to apologise and leave but he yanked me back and pulled me into his arms. He needed someone right now I could feel that. The thought of nobody being there for him in his life, no one giving him a loving hug, slowly but surely broke me.

This is probably kind of fucked up to say but I am sort of glad that the world become to this. I wouldn't have met Daryl and the others besides of course Rick and Carl. I hugged him back, letting him bury his face into my neck. Once we slowly let go of each other it felt like a piece from me just got ripped out. Daryl quickly wiped his eyes before mumbling a "sorry". I smiled at him softly. »You don't need to apologise. I'm glad to see the other side of you.« I said before getting up and putting my hand out to help him up.

He took it and when he stood up we still held our hands before I shyly let go so he could grab his things. Major looked like a child who got an ice cream as his mouth was open, letting his tongue out while wagging his tail. »Come on, lovebirds. We got no time.« Carol suddenly came and said it with a teasing smile on her face. I felt like she and Major worked together which was not good. Friends were supposed to support each other. She and Major are going to get it back, trust me.

Ok, so let's talk about something more serious and important. The plan. We packed our things and moved them into the cars so it looked abandoned. That is the key. Making the Governor and his men believe that we abandoned our home and left. Then boom, we attack. Me, Daryl and Carol alongside with Rick and Michonne would hide inside the prison.

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