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My thumb slid over the polaroid picture as I held it in my hands. On the picture was my sister, Lori. A slim brunette who worked as a teacher while Rick, her husband, was the main financier, working for the local King County Sheriff's Department. She had a perfect life, not gonna lie an attractive financier as a husband, a great job and about right now she was going to grow her little family with my brother in law. Lori confided in Paula, her friend and roommate, to relieve stress and seek advices later on as her and Ricks relationship grew tense. That's who she was, seeking for advice if she was in despair.

Me? I was more like the black sheep in the family, the elder daughter who didn't had a boyfriend since literally high school. I was the elder sibling who needed to work her ass of for her future whereas my younger sibling got everything blown into her ass. Lori was always the better child. She was more successful, beautiful and fucking lucky to get a man who was kind and loyal to her.

The both of us had a hate-love relationship, always arguing about the littlest things in life but deep, deep down in my heart I liked her, even though I didn't like to admit it. How could I though? We spent our teenager life with hating on each other. I wasn't quite sure how our parents could withstand that but I didn't really care either. One of the things I liked was that Lori and my parents always supported me with my dream job. The army; a place which screams for trauma, adrenaline, drill and death.


As I turned 21 the dream I always had would finally come true. Before I left for the army, my parents, Lori and even Rick surprised me with a little party. They made my favourite food and had party decorations everywhere in the living room. The only thing I said before going to hug them was »You guys didn't need to do that..«. After celebrating, I hugged everyone before I went out of the house towards the taxi I called.

I placed my things into the trunk of the taxi, took a glance back to my family before I waved them while opening the door. As I sat down in the backseat, I told the driver where to go and he started the engine. The ride was quiet as I watched the buildings outside of the window disappear. After about ten minutes my eyelids started closing while the darkness pulled me into the arms of slumber. I didn't sleep much the night before because of excitement. Seems like the world wanted to do me some good.


As I arrived at the army's location, I paid the driver and got my luggage out of the trunk, making my way between the massive camouflage coloured tents and vehicles to the man I searched for.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now