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»Hands.« Rick whistled to let them notice us before he told them. The both cops turned around immediately with their guns pointed at us. »What do you want?«, »Whatever this is, we can help.« The female spoke up first before her partner did. »You do what we say, we don't hurt you.« Rick told them. They were hesitant but gave up in the end. The male was first to put his hands up and as the female cop saw it, she did the same.

»Good. Now turn around. Put your guns on the floor and kneel.« Rick said while walking closer. Once the cops knelt down we took their guns, freed Noah and zip-tied the both. The male spoke up and asked if Rick was a cop before he got up. Grimes ignored it before Noah told us that the man's name was Lamson and that he was one of the good ones. Out of a sudden we heard tires screech before a car was in our sight.

They stopped abruptly and grabbed the both cops as we hid and shot at them. By the time they started to drive I ran after them and pulled my sniper from my shoulder. I aimed at the right tire before pulling the trigger. When I looked up from the scope, I saw that I successfully shot in the tire. We all ran after them and when we got around the corner we saw the car with open doors. On the top of the building was a tank and a self-made sign. "EVAC HERE" stood on it.

The sight in front of us wasn't really pleasant. There were corpses and walkers melted to the asphalt. They were pink, some of them were just skeletons or half skeletons. We looked around before noticing the two cops running away. Rick ran after them along with Noah and the siblings. Daryl and me stood back to check the area. I searched through the inside of the car while the archer walked to the burned down caravan.

I was about to look at the backseat but a shout interrupted me. My eyes landed on a cop who was on top of Daryl. I immediately moved and got out of the car, rushing to them. The archer rummaged for something to grab that could help but he didn't need to because I was there. I kicked the guy with full force off of Daryl and pointed my handgun towards his forehead. Rick approached us and did the same as I did.

The archer stood up and I lowered my gun. »Rick, three is better than two.« He told him as he saw Rick still with his handgun raised. I harshly grabbed the cops arm and pulled him up before letting Daryl zip tie him. »Are you okay?« I asked once Rick took the cop with him. »Yeah, are you?« the archer brushed his hands off while asking. I just nodded with a smile before we followed Rick.

We got to an old empty building. Looked almost like a parking lot. The space was huge. Me, Noah and Rick talked about the plan, with a new map on the floor. Me and Daryl will play sniper to make sure if something goes wrong. Rick will talk to the cops who will arrive and the plan will hopefully work. Daryl and the siblings walked towards us before stopping. They talked about something with the cops. Rick was called over to them and he excused himself before leaving.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now