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TW; sensitive topic: cannibalism

We started to take everything, putting them in boxes and bags

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We started to take everything, putting them in boxes and bags. I think I stabbed into the water about a million times, because I probably stepped on the corpse or something else which I thought it was a corpse. Damn I hated the water. Especially how deep and dark it was. You couldn't see shit in there, and every step on a corpse or something else is giving you a heart attack. I was beyond happy when we finally got out of there. I took an oversized shirt and black ripped jeans that were hung up and changed into it- (on the top there is a pic.) -, of course in one of the rooms.

Privacy and all. I grabbed some new socks to and dried of myself and the inside of my boots with some random clothes. Once I was changed I took my clothes that were wet and walked out to the others. »Ready?« Rick asked and I nodded. We started to walk and Gabriel was struggling to find the words before finally speaking up.

He apologised that he panicked and was about to tell something but Grimes interrupted him. »You knew her when she was alive?« He asked, looking at the priest which grew very quiet. »Yeah, I get it. You only tell your sins to God.« Rick added and after that we didn't speak for awhile.

By the time we were already in the woods again, near the church and not in the town, Grimes spoke up. »Do you miss the sword?« He asked Michonne who helped with pushing the little cart. »Wasn't really mine in the first place. Found it in the very beginning.« She answered. She was damn good at handling it so I spoke my mind, asking how she got so good at it. »It was just me and them out here all day, everyday a good long time. I don't know what that was, but it wasn't a life. Not like today. Stumbling around in three feet of slime for some peas and carrots, that's living.« The woman explained, her sad face turning into a smile.

Me and Rick chuckled while pushing the cart with her. Michonne suddenly said she missed Andrea, Hershel and not what was before. She didn't miss that sword. I placed my hand on her shoulder, smiling which she returned. Michonne, Gabriel, Sasha and Bob did the job of taking care of the food. Some of the others helped with carrying as well. I saw Abraham working on the short bus that he was talking about while cursing loudly from time to time.

The rest of the day I spent with helping around. If it was Judith, cleaning or making food, I was there. When the sun was already down we made a little feast. Candles were lit, glasses and plates were full. We ate food, drank wine, laughed and chatted before Abraham was about to propose a toast. I already ate and now I was drinking wine, smiling at Judith who fed her father while listening to the sergeant.

»I look around this room and I see survivors. Each and everyone of you has earned that title. To the survivors.« The ginger said, bringing his glass up. We repeated, saying 'to the survivors' or some said 'cheers'. We all took a sip before he continued.

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