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Peaceful sleep my ass

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Peaceful sleep my ass. I woke up early, when Rick was up with Judith. My clothes laid on the little table and I changed into them before taking the knife from under the pillow. I stuck it in my combat boots and stood up, noticing Major laying at the door. »What's up buddy?« I whispered as he jerked his head up.

I grabbed my katana that was leaned against the wall and slung it over my shoulder and head. »Morning.« I heard Rick say to me and I just nodded while stroking over my face. »Rough night?« He asked after snorting and I just nodded again, my eyes getting slowly used to the sunlight.

Rick woke Carl up and handed Judith over to Beth. The both guys went out to feed the pigs and till my work started it was some hours away. The toys I got for Major popped up in my head and I walked back into my cell and picked the backpack up. I opened it and searched for it before grasping it. Major was sitting at the door looking confused and I smirked at him before pulling the ball out. Once he saw it he immediately got riled up and wagged his tail.

»We didn't have much free time back then but now..« I said as I held up the ball before making my way out of my cell and towards the exit. The sun shone bright against my skin and I shielded my eyes with my hand as Major rushed forward already ready to play. I saw Michonne leaving and Rick and Carl pouring the food in the throughs from the pigs.

I was about to throw the ball but there was a loud thud like explosion or gunshot and I stopped my hand mid air. The two girls Lizzie and Mika Samuels ran out. »Help! Help! Please, come quick!« Lizzie yelled, they both running towards me. »Walkers in D!« Glenn shouted, coming out of the prison before rushing towards the door already. Carol close behind him. Rick asked about C but I ignored it and just ran.

As I got to the cellblock people panicked and screamed. Rick and Carol took care of the people who didn't got bit. Glenn and Daryl, including me were killing the walkers. There was a guy crawling over to a boy but Daryl picked him up and I slashed my katana at its head. Carol was helping Ryan -Lizzie and Mika's dad- who got a bite mark on his left arm, towards a room, probably to amputated it.

»Are we clear down here?« Rick asked and Sasha answered with a yeah as I walked up the stairs with Major close behind me. I walked slowly and carefully, looking back as I heard footsteps, seeing Daryl and Rick. The inside of a cell was blocked by a curtain and I put the tip of the katana there, to see whats inside. A walker lunged at me instantly, knocking my damn katana out of my hands. Major was pulling his leg as I held his arms back.

»Down!« I heard Daryl behind me and I ducked. An arrow got stuck in its forehead and it went limp. I pushed the corpse away while grabbing the arrow. »You okay?« the archer muttered and I huffed before handing his arrow back. He took it and I nodded. »Thanks.« I replied, grabbing my katana from the floor. Daryl walked over to Rick who passed us after nodding.

»It's Patrick..« I mumbled once I fully saw the corpse's face. Rick and Daryl looked at him too. »That's all of 'em« Daryl said while looking over the railing. Tyreese and Sasha began to put sheets over people so we could bury them. Hershel came over to examine people's injuries and if they were alright. Glenn helped us kill the corpses who didn't turn yet and I saw Rick standing in front of a cell.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now