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Again. Same nightmare. I woke up about two times in the night and fully woke up when the sun began to rise. A sigh escaped me before I moved myself out of the bed, walking to the door and unlocking it. The headache grew worse so my legs took me automatically to the kitchen, getting painkillers from a cupboard. I swallowed it, washing it down with water after. For the next couple of minutes I made myself ready (pic on the top) and went outside, to look into how Tara was.

Maggie was out, already doing her job while Glenn slept at home. I could hear him snore and I let him sleep. He needed it, after what happened. My thoughts went to him, how did he feel? Did he feel like I did? Did he have nightmares? I knocked at the door slightly once I got to the hospital of Alexandria. After a few seconds the door hot opened, revealing Eugene. He looked tired and worried. »Hey.« I muttered, my voice still weak after crying my soul out yesterday. »Good morning.« He answered, stepping aside to let me in.

I gave him a nod before my gaze switched to Tara. She laid in the bed, sleeping. »She's stable.« Eugene spoke up, knowing I was about to ask him while he closed the door. His hand was on my shoulder, squeezing it. I sighed and he let go, walking back to the chair where he probably sat on before. My feet took me hesitantly to the other side of her and I placed my hand on her's softly. My lip started to quiver and I felt goosebumps run up my body. I quickly shook the thoughts away, hoping it will hold back the thoughts and sadness for at least a few minutes or hours.

»Tara is tough and brave, not like me. She will pull through.« I heard from him which made my eyebrows furrow. »You literally got her out of there and saved me and Glenn. Hell, I saw you grabbing for your gun when Nicholas..« I said gently, my voice just above a whisper. No words came out of me once I mentioned that assholes name. Flashbacks came back of him giving up on Aiden, him pushing through the door and making a run for it, trying to leave us behind.

Eugene gulped, his eyes moving to mine. »I never said my thanks to you. Tell me something, i'll do it to own it up to you.« He spoke nervously, averting eye contact. »You don't need to.« I replied with a weak smile, thinking how sweet he was to do something. I know he felt useless, like he isn't part of our family. »I'm going to go.« I added, looking at Tara which made me feel bad again. I never should have gone to Noah and Glenn, I had to just stand still but I didn't.

»My apologies for asking, but where?« He asked as I took some steps back. »I don't know, outside to hunt? Walk around..« I muttered, shrugging. Eugene just nodded and I turned around, leaving him there before closing the door behind me. My feet took me along the gravel after I deeply in- and exhaled. I heard sudden shouting coming from around the corner, pinpointing that one of them was Rick's. My instincts kicked in and I ran, stopping abruptly once I saw Rick over a guy, Pete to be exact.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now