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We were walking through the forest, like we didn't just almost got killed a few minutes ago

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We were walking through the forest, like we didn't just almost got killed a few minutes ago. »So you know 'em, so you thought we were one of 'em?« Daryl spoke up. I was a bit back, just following them. »Where we were, we were there since the beginning. We still didn't know everyone. Back when we first threw in with them, it was as good a place as any. And things got harder, people got harder. Human nature kicked in, and it became a truly unique kind of shit show.« The guy answered, Dwight was his name as he introduced himself and the two women.

Sherry chimed in, saying that people will trade anything for safety for knowing that they are safe. We have nothing left than just existing. »There ain't nobody safe no more. Can't promise people that anyhow.« the archer rasped, realising I was quiet and just followed them. He held his hand out and I intertwined mine with his and offered him a smile. I don't know what I should say or do really. They are nice people but I still have a feeling that they aren't.

»You could promise the people who want to hear it.« Dwight stated, looking at the ground. Tina seemed to look at something before she ran off. We rushed after them before stopping in front of a burnt down shed. »Carla and Delly. That's them.« The shorthaired told us. My eyes noticed the two bodies laying there, melted metal was covering them. »Me and Tina used to babysit them when they were kids. Everyone said that they went out north when it all started. We didn't know.« Sherry had tears in her eyes as she said that.

Dwight suddenly spoke up, saying he did this. My hand squeezed my lover's and he just gave me a look. Sherry corrected him, saying that they did this. Tina was sitting there, laying flowers down and I let go of Daryl's hand. It could be that they turned. Just like I thought, suddenly the both woke up from the dead, grabbing Tina. I took my knife and rushed to them, killing one as the archer killed the other. Sherry ran to the shorthaired, who seemed like she was already dying.

Daryl took some steps away and Dwight followed, they started digging a grave. »Sherry. She will turn.« I muttered to the brunette who started to sob. She shook her head and crawled backwards a bit. »I can't..« the woman whispered before getting up and walking away, sitting on a fallen over tree. A sigh escaped me and I cleared my throat. I kind of started to like Tina, she looks so pretty, so innocent. My hand gripped the handle tight and I plugged the knife in the side of her head before ripping it out.

I cleaned the blade on one of the walkers clothes and placed it back in my boot. »Hey. How many walkers you killed? Just answer the question.« the archer asked the guy as I approached slowly. He replied: a lot. A couple dozen at least. »How many people you killed?« he asked the second question. Dwight told him that he killed none. Then he asked the third question. »Why haven't I killed anybody? Because if I did, there'd be no going back. There's no going back to how things were.« He responded as he kept digging.

»We are from a place where people are still like they were.« I intervened, walking next to my lover. He nodded before turning to the guy again. »More or less, better or worse.« The archer added. Dwight didn't say anything, just took a glance at Sherry who didn't seem to listen. She had her gaze on the floor. He kept on digging and Daryl gave me a kiss to my head before he helped him.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now