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»You sure you don't need help?« I asked, leaning on the railing of the porch

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»You sure you don't need help?« I asked, leaning on the railing of the porch. Maggie let out a sigh as she smiled at me. »This is the last box.« She answered giggling, and Glenn held the box more up to present it. I rolled my eyes playfully. Two days ago we killed Negan and the deal with Hilltop was standing, with the help from Jesus and Maggie. The couple decided today in the morning that they would move out to give us privacy and because of their family situation. I completely understood it. The brunette was already around two months pregnant.

Still, I liked having them around. »We're not far away from here, Y/N. Just a couple of streets.« Glenn spoke softly and Maggie nodded. I mocked him and they started to laugh before waving at us and getting the car. You heard correctly; us. Daryl had his bike in front of the stairs and he was grabbing a small bag. I made myself comfortable on the last stair which was closest to him. »You sound like you don't wanna be alone with me.« he muttered teasingly, opening the bag.

»Actually, it's the complete opposite, love.« I replied with a smirk. He had a tiny smile on his lips which faded quickly as he took a carving out. It was a solider that Dwight made. The archer threw it on the ground, letting it clatter on the floor. I couldn't say anything because Carol approached us. »Didn't even notice. Got your bike back.« She said, smiling as she took a seat next to me. The woman was living with Tobin, her boyfriend for I don't know how many weeks now. Looks like he really makes her happy even though I don't understand why she is exactly with, him.

In her hand was a halfway-smoked cigarette. »Yup, I'm practically his side-chick now.« I responded for him jokingly. Carol chuckled and Daryl turned to us before sitting down on the other side of me and nudging me harshly. The woman snorted as I got pushed against her. I elbowed him in his side playfully to which he just smirked at. »Can't help it's prettier.« He muttered jokingly and I fake gasped. Carol seemed to enjoy the show, stifling a laugh. »Okay. I'm off cheating on you with a prettier person as well.« I said faking to be dramatic while standing up and walking away.

I heard them both chuckle and I just shook my head amusingly. On my walk, I saw Rosita in one of the watch towers and I thought she could use some company. The last days; she was lashing out at people that asked where Abraham was, saying something along the lines that he was probably fucking some other girl. It was clear he dumped her and I didn't understand why. She was so beautiful, kind hearted and a badass woman. My feet took me up in the tower and I saw her lost in thought, leaned over the railing.

»Hey, beautiful. What are you thinking about?« I asked, bringing her back to reality. She had a small smile on her face as I called her that. I stepped next to her, looking in the distance. Rosita was hesitant, I could feel it but she still opened up. »I slept with Spencer.« She blurted out and I immediately faced her. »You did what now?« I answered while chuckling. »He's good looking..« the woman started, looking at me amused. »and weird.« I added, thinking back to the welcoming party where he tried to hit on me and Sasha.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now