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It was the next day and I woke up without Daryl sleeping next to me

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It was the next day and I woke up without Daryl sleeping next to me. A small letter laid on the nightstand and "The thought of Dwight still being alive doesn't leave my brain. I need him dead. Sorry. -D.D" was written on it. After that I jumped up and changed quickly in my clothes. I stuffed my revolver in my holster and placed my katana on my back. My feet took me downstairs and out of the house. My eyes looked around and I saw Enid walking somewhere so I rushed quickly to her.

»Oh, hey Y/N.« She greeted me with a soft smile and I returned it. »Do you know where Maggie is?« I asked curiously, walking next to her. My friend's husband was always the one knowing something so I assume and hope he did this time too. I didn't see Glenn around though and from what I know he should be sorting weapons out. »At her house. I was just about to go to her.« Enid answered, nodding slightly. I asked her if she would mind if I went along with her and she told me that she wouldn't.

We went to the couples house and knocked. It didn't take long for Maggie to open the door. »Y/N?« my name came out of her mouth confused and I smiled at her. »Just wanted to ask something.« I spoke before nodding at Enid. The brunette nodded at me and turned to the young girl. »Scott said you were looking for me.« She said while Maggie opened the door more to let us in. We went inside, seeing a mirror and scissors on the table. I heard the door close. »I need some more help.« my friend replied, pointing to the table.

Not long passed and Maggie's hair was getting cut by Enid as I sat across from her on a chair. »What do you need?« she asked, looking at me and I realised why I wanted to talk to her in the first place. »Daryl wrote me a note. Did you see him?« I asked, hoping for her to say something that he was around. My hopes died in an instant when I got the response. »He drove out. Glenn, Michonne and Rosita went after him though, don't worry.« The brunette told me softly and I sighed, leaning back into the chair while crossing my arms.

We stood silent the whole time and Enid finished doing her work. Maggie had short hair and not gonna lie, it suited her so well. She was smiling as she looked herself in the mirror. Her hand went through her hair. »It looks amazing but can I ask why?« I asked, looking at her. Enid seemed to be interested in what the answer would be as well. The woman sighed before humming. »I have to keep going. And I don't want anything getting in my way.« Maggie replied while smiling.

As fast as the smile rose up on her lips it faded. The brunette placed the mirror down and deeply in- and exhaled. I grew tense, scooting a bit closer to her while Enid asked if she went too short with her, thinking she didn't like it. My thoughts went into a complete different direction though. »No, it's not that.« Maggie answered faintly, breathing in and out again. »Maggie?« I asked and I was about to put my hand on her shoulder but stopped immediately. She was screaming out in pain, clenching her stomach.

I stood up as the brunette sat down on the floor, still groaning and whimpering in pain. My hands moved to her shoulders. »Hey, Maggie. What's wrong?« I asked worriedly. Enid stood next to me, looking nervous and worried as well. Maggie seemed like she couldn't answer. She just shook her head slightly as tears welled up in her eyes. I felt overwhelmed and I didn't know what to do. Denise was the only doctor we had but she is dead.

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