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It has been three days since Reg died and Pete got killed

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It has been three days since Reg died and Pete got killed. Two days ago Rick and Morgan came back from burying Pete and telling us that not too far away a literally massive, massive herd was blocked behind trucks. It was obvious why no herd came to Alexandria when the walkers got stuck there. Yesterday and today we started building and more planning. Cars were placed behind other cars to form a path for the walkers.

»I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple.« That is how Rick started after climbing on the back of a truck. Simple? He sounds so calm, right? I was too, but.. Leading a herd, this fucking massive is insane like he said. People could die so easily if one little tiny step is getting placed wrong. I didn't show my fear and how nervous I was, keeping it all in my head. Daryl told me already twice, trying to convince me not to join them.

I wanted to, though. The others are risking their life's, just like the archer himself does. Why should I lay around, hoping they get back any second when I can join, be apart of this mission and try to safe the place we got used to? Bad people could take this herd as an advantage, drive the truck away and let the walkers flood through the opening, to come to us. After Rick told us about the herd, we didn't waste time and started to make a plan. On the same day we prepare cars, walls and things we needed to succeed our mission.

We wanted it to do tomorrow. Today was a day to keep calm, maybe even say bye to our loved ones if something goes wrong. Luck wasn't on our side. »This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit, and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red, staying on the west side of the road. Daryl and Y/N get on their bike..« That's what Rick explained, wanting to go over the plan again but he got interrupted. An explosion went off and we turned to the cliff which had two trucks as well to block the walkers from going through.

A big part of the cliff broke off, letting it fall on multiple walkers and squishing them to mush. The front of the truck was hanging down, dangling before it completely fell down. A loud metal creaking was heard and we even felt the vibration on the floor as it hit the ground. A small smoke of dust flew up from the stones that got crushed. All the walkers turned there, following the ones that went through the opening. God, I was happy I took two pills of my painkiller because of my shoulder.

It was healing very good and the last days I tried not to move my arm much. The ointments, medication and wiping it clean often so an infection wouldn't build up helped very much. Rick seemed to do very good as well, most of his patches were down and he was like new. I was happy we already started building everything the last days because if we didn't, right now I think we would just wait to die or find quickly a new plan which worked.

By the way you heard Rick right, I found yesterday a motorcycle that was surprisingly in good shape. The brake was the only problem. Well, along with a flat tire and the one mirror was missing. For me that is a good shape. Aaron still had some spare parts in his garage so me and Daryl worked on it. The tire got pumped with air, the mirror was a different mirror than needed but still the main thing is, it has a mirror. Working on the brake was a pain in the ass. Daryl even had the audacity to laugh at me when I started cursing.

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