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»That's how it happened

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»That's how it happened.« Carl spoke before slowly pulling his shirt up, revealing a big white plaster on the left side of his stomach. He peeled it down and our eyes were met with a fresh bite mark. My eyes began burning and I started to breath shakily. Michonne dropped to her knees, her eyes widening. Rick didn't say anything and looked away before his eyes met his son's. It felt so surreal. A sob escaped me and tears were rolling down my cheeks. »I..I don't.« Rick began but stopped himself as Carl spoke.

»How..«, »Dad... it's alright.« he tried again but my nephew stopped him. »It's gotta be. I wasn't sure if you'd make it back before.. But just in case, you know, I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye.« Carl continued, pulling letters out and handing it to me. »No. It's them. It's them. They don't.. it wasn't.« Rick tried forming a sentence as I stuffed the letters in the inside pocket of my jacket. »I got bit. I was bringing someone back. His name's Siddiq. We saw him at that gas station before. It wasn't the Saviors. It just happened.« Carl declared to his father and I put my hand over my mouth but failed to keep quiet.

I silently coughed some sobs out and looked at the ground not wanting to see my nephew cry too. »I want to lay down.« Carl huffed out and we carefully helped him up and to the bed where the stranger sat. He moved away though. »Is that better?« I asked, trying not to sound like my voice was about to break any second. »Yes, thanks.« He thanked us. »I uh, I got these. They're over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. They'll uhm.. They'll help a little with the fever. They did for my mom and dad.« Siddiq started and we turned to him.

He had tears in his eyes too and his voice was breaking. »Please take them. Your son..he should have them.« Siddiq added and I nodded at Rick who took it. Speaking of which, he asked »You're a doctor?«. I wiped the tears from my eyes and held Carl's hand who smiled at me, squeezing lightly my hand. »I was a resident. Before.« he responded, nodding. »You're name is Siddiq?« Rick questioned and the guy told him that it was. »Did you know he was a doctor? Is that why you brought him back?« Rick faced his son.

»He wasn't gonna make it alone. He needed us. That's why.« Carl answered weakly. »He was the one you told me about.« I mumbled and my nephew nodded. There was a brief silence before there was an explosion outside again, letting the walls crumble and fall on us. Carl began to cough heavily and I asked for some water. Siddiq handed it to me and I opened it, holding it to Carl as Rick told him to do it slowly while helping with keeping his head up.

Michonne got up and went to Dwight, saying to him that he should tell the Saviors to stop. The guy said he can't but the woman pleaded. Rosita got on her feet and laid a hand on Michonne's shoulder. »You said the Hilltop's safe?« Rosita asked and Dwight told her that it was. »We need to get everybody there. We can get Carl there.« She kept going and I looked at them. »And they think all of you got away in the woods. They're out there, looking.« Dwight mentioned and a deep breath escaped me. »They saw us go West, so we won't go West.« Rosita backfired.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now