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Rick woke me up from my slumber and told me that I should meet him in the main room

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Rick woke me up from my slumber and told me that I should meet him in the main room. Since I didn't had anything to do I got up, slipped into my combat boots, grabbed my katana and followed him. Major decided to follow to, yawning while stretching once we got to the table. Hershel, Daryl and T-Dog were there as well and I saw different kind of weapons. »Not bad. Wait, CS Triple-Chasers?« I said, my voice a little bit weak since I just woken up. Rick smiled at me while taking the Chaser in his hands. »Not sure how they'd work on walkers, but we'll take them.« He said before putting it back on the table. T-Dog reloaded a gun while Daryl grabbed the helmet probably from one of the riot-gear walkers.

A couple strings of slime came from the helmet as he inspected it. »I ain't wearin' this shit.« Daryl muttered as he placed it down. »You want us to wear these?« I asked Rick hesitantly. He wasn't serious right? Because there is no way in hell I'm going to wear it too. »We could boil 'em.« T-Dog intervened as he looked at the glove he just picked up. Some slimy substance came out of that too. Major even growled at that before taking a couple steps back. »Ain't enough firewood in the whole forest. No. Besides, we've gotten this far without 'em, eh?« Daryl said before swinging the metal pole in his hands.

Rick was about to answer but Carol interrupted. »Hershel?« she asked before nodding towards where she came from. »Everything alright?« I asked, putting one hand on my hip. »Yeah, Nothing to worry about.« Carol replied to me but with a certainly strict voice even though she smiled. I could sense something was up but I didn't ask. If it is something with my sister I don't want to put the weight onto Rick's shoulders as well. Thinking of which, the former cop laid his hand on my shoulder. He probably knew it too. I sighed looking after Hershel who left with Carol.

After a while of looking trough the weapons and making alright that everyone is ready we started to prepare ourselves. Rick helped T-Dog with putting on the bulletproof vest while Daryl cleaned the lenses on the scope. As I reloaded my revolver I felt footsteps from above and shifted my eyes to where I heard it. I saw Lori standing there, gripping the railing with one hand. Once she looked at me I raised my eyebrows knowing she would understand what I meant. She just nodded with a smile, signalling me that she is allegedly alright. Something was up and I am going to find out later. In the end she is still my sister, a family member.

I gave her a nod back before my eyes switched to Carl who played with his helmet. He smiled at Beth who looked at him, making me stifle a laugh. »You won't need that. I need you to stay put.« Rick suddenly said while pulling the helmet out of his sons hands. »You're kidding.« Carl said, his eyes screaming in disbelief at his father. »We don't know what's in there.« Rick responded to him while I put my revolver back into the holster.

»You're stronger then all of us. Better keep you alive in here, protecting the others if we go down.« I chimed in as I got closer to them. It was a half lie. I was lying about the part that he is stronger than all of us but the other part? I fully meant it. He may be not stronger than us now, who knows in the future. He definitely has the strength to protect the group. »You too? I thought you were on my side.« Carl sighed in disappointment, his eyes on mine.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now