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Weeks passed since we started to rebuild the bridge and make a campsite in the near of it

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Weeks passed since we started to rebuild the bridge and make a campsite in the near of it. Believe it or not the bridge looks almost completely new. I helped out the infirmary since Enid wanted to learn more and more about injuries and medicine stuff. Siddiq is going to leave with the next escort because a bug is going around in Alexandria. Lucky they that I am existing.

For now Siddiq is here for the next couple of hours so I left to see what was going on with the bridge. As my feet touched the road my eyes saw the almost finished bridge. It looked even better than before. My eyes moved quickly to one spot though. Justin pushed Henry to the floor to get more water. Didn't know he was that dumb to understand what "there is not enough" means.

I started running to them as Henry got up, grabbing his stick and making Justin fall to the floor. I almost started cracking up if that bastard didn't stand up and walked after him. »That kid is just doing his job. How about you go back to work, huh?« I started, stepping in front of him. »I don't need you people telling me what to do. You're not my babysitter anymore.« he answered before walking past me, nudging me purposely.

I groaned internally before facing him and grabbing his arm. Seemed like it triggered him because as my hand grabbed his upper arm he turned while swinging his fist. Luckily I ducked and took a step back only to reach back and plant my knuckles harshly in his face. Justin fell back onto a pile of sand and before I could realise he took a hand full and threw it at my face. I immediately closed my eyes, my hands on my face as I felt his body ramming me to the ground.

Not for long though. When I managed to open my eyes I saw Daryl starting to throw punches in his face. From that on they had a full on fight while Aaron helped me up. I didn't feel like stopping my lover because that asshole deserved it. »Hey! Break it up!« I suddenly heard and Rick started running towards us, getting in the middle. They got split apart and my feet took me to him. The archer spit on the ground which was purely red.

»Get back to work!« Rick exclaimed and I took my hand in Daryl's. »Come.« I muttered while practically dragging him away. He was shooting daggers into Justins head with his eyes. Rick signed to me to meet up and I sighed, knowing what will happen. We both reached the tent in silence and just a few seconds later Rick and Carol stepped in.

»So, that asshole just gets a free pass? Is that it?« Daryl bursted out, walking away and then facing Rick. I took a few steps back so I was next to Carol. »It's just a few more days. I don't like it either, but we're in a rush to get that work done. He's strong.« Grimes answered back and I snorted, crossing my arms. Rick looked at me for a second before standing up straight after putting his hands on the table.

»The Saviors are over half the workforce and we've had too many walk off already.« He added, looking back at the archer. »Yeah. 'Cause that's who they are. Some of 'em ain't ever gonna fall in line just 'cause you say so.« my lover barked back, pointing his finger at Rick's face. »Daryl's right. These people have never had to live together. And we can't expect them to just forget what's happening.« Carol spoke up, her arms crossed as well and I nodded in agreement.

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