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I woke up with a thumbing headache and a sore numb body

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I woke up with a thumbing headache and a sore numb body. The moonlight was shining down which made me realise I probably laid here on the ground for quite a while. What surprises me is that no walker took a bite out of me, I didn't even hear any. I tried to move my body to stand up but once I did I was unsteady and my knees began to buckle. I held onto a tree to regain my strength while slightly touching my temple with my free hand but once my finger touched the gash I hissed. My eyes looked around scanning the surroundings but there was trees and more trees, no sight of open fields or a huge white farmhouse.

My hands rummaged for my weapons but they were gone even my knife that I hid in my boot. Suddenly memories popped into my mind. »Shane..«I whispered while gritting my teeth. His switch got fully pulled to his "lose sanity" side, this time there is no way to help him to get better. The apocalypse can change people into better or worse but Shane definitely changed to the worse. I feel kind of sorry for Rick because he was good friends with Shane before the world went to shit. I sighed while trying to locate anything familiar but everything looked the same. I made slow steps trying to go to a tree that had thick twigs which I could use against the walkers. I snapped the branch in half and began to walk in some direction.


I do not fucking know how long I walked. 3 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Maybe half an hour? I killed till now 3 walkers which was a bit hard with a pounding headache. My eyes looked at the ground trying to see some tracks from people while my ears were focused on my perimeter. Suddenly I started to hear faint footsteps which didn't sound like that from a walker. I started to rush quietly to the direction I heard it from. Along the way I probably stepped on multiple twigs but I didn't care. From a far I saw a walker stumbling over to two trees. I saw a silhouette behind it making me realise that the walker probably saw him.

Once I got closer I realised from the clothes that it was Randall clearly not living as a person anymore. My question is why the fuck would he be out here? Did they decide to kill him? But the last I saw him was inside that shed which I was in too before Shane decided to swing a fucking shovel against my head. Shane. Of course! why didn't I think of it? He wanted to kill off Randall and probably tell some bullshit afterwards but I was in the way. This gets better and better ain't it?

I saw the guy drop to his knees as an arrow flew into the direction of the walker but it missed it. I ran towards the walker who was now on top of another person which I recognised all to well. My hands grasped the clothes of Randall and pulled him back. Glenn got of his knees and plugged his knife into Randalls forehead. I let the corpse fall to the ground making the both men realise they found me. »Holy shit, Y/N?« Glenn asked first and I just nodded while trying to catch my breath.

»Where the hell were you? Pickin' some flowers?« God, how I missed Glenn being worried about me and Daryl's sarcasm. »Shane knocked me out and left me to rot. Looks like Randall was the reason for it.« I pointed towards Randall's corpse. Daryl just grunted before examining Randall's head as Glenn looked at my wound on my temple. »He got you good.« He mumbled before putting a hand on my shoulder and turning to Daryl.

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