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I began to walk through the door that led to cellblock C and got in my room

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I began to walk through the door that led to cellblock C and got in my room. Maggie followed me alongside with Major as I picked my outfit for the day out of my duffle bag (the pic is on the top). I am going to be more than just happy when we finally clear out the bathroom area. It wouldn't hurt to have a shower after several days, hell it feels like weeks. Besides, my perfume and my deodorant that I found on a supply run not long ago is almost empty and I am tired of using it about thousand times a day.

Maggie and Major blocked the view to the outside so I could change. »Me and Glenn are going on a supply run, trying to find maybe ammo too. You wanna join us?« She asked while looking at me as I pulled my tanktop off. »No, I leave you both to it. I am going to try to help around here.« I answered, feeling her eyes moving up and down my body. »Your scars..« Maggie started but I raised my hand to stop her. I just shook my head and she nodded, understanding my actions. Once I was done changing and Maggie said her bye and walked off, leaving me and Major behind, I grabbed a water bottle and a cloth. I started pouring the water on it, so it was soaked. After I wrenched the cloth out, I pulled my katana out of its sheath and cleaned the dried blood off the blade.

After one-two minutes the blade was clean and I threw the cloth into the sink while placing the katana on my back. I made my way out of my cell and over to the common room after nodding at Major to follow me. I saw Oscar remove his jacket revealing a white tank top and Carl playing around with his handgun. My ears picked up about some sort of plan about them trying to clear out the lower levels, which honestly lifted my mood. »Hey, is it ok if we come too?« I asked while approaching to them. I meant 'we' as in me and Major. Oscar gave me a weak smile and Daryl started to bite his inner cheek. He felt guilty, I could sense that. Concern was hiding behind those blue orbs too. Daryl Dixon can feel the emotion of worry and guilt? The world did come to an end, huh? It made me realise that we needed to talk.

Carl was the first to speak up, his smile growing as he saw me. »I won't mind. We could use some extra hands.« The boy said before searching for the eyes of Daryl and Oscar. When did he grow up so much? The former prisoner shrugged, nodding at Daryl which made me realise he was going to be the leader of this small group. »If you have nothin' better to do?« The archer rasped, his voice low with a tint of calmness that fit perfectly with his southern accent. »I don't.« I replied, staring back into his eyes. »Well, let's not waste time then.« Oscar spoke up, making us break eye contact. Daryl was the first to move and we followed him into the dark corridors.


»Check it out, man. Must have missed it last night.« Oscar spoke quietly, pointing his flashlight towards the door that was creaked open. »I's probably just one or two of 'em. Don' look they got much fight. They ain't goin' nowhere. We'll take care of it on the way back.« Daryl muttered before pushing the door with his finger in as I walked over to Carl who seemed like he was lost in thought. »Hey, come on.« I whispered, placing my hand gently on his shoulder. They boy just looked at me before his gaze moved to Daryl who stood next to me all of a sudden. Oscar went into the other direction, pointing his flashlight as his other hand was up in the air that held a baseball bat.

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