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In about one and a half days I got to Hilltop

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In about one and a half days I got to Hilltop. It's a one day walk there but I stopped to fill up my bottles and go hunt. From that I could train myself shooting with the crossbow. At first I had some really dumb fails and I mentally hit myself for that. In the end I managed to aim perfectly and got some squirrels and rabbits for myself. I put some animals aside so that I would bring Hilltop something.

The gates opened and I was directly met with Enid who came over to me, hugging me with a bright smile. I couldn't help but do the same as I held her tightly. Slowly she started to make me feel like a mother. »Why are you here?« She asked curiously once she let go and I answered that I would tell her when Maggie was around. The girl brought me to the trailer and I saw the brunette sitting at the table, writing something down while eating a slice of apple with... peanut butter?

A snort escaped me which made her head snap up. Maggie got up, rushing to me and giving me a quick hug before walking back. »Crazy pregnancy cravings..« I spoke up while taking a seat as well after placing the backpack against the wall and nodding at the plate. »I never knew this combo. It's really delicious. You need to try it.« The woman suggested but I made a grimace, looking at Enid who sat down too. She just giggled and I let out a short laugh as well.

»Thank you but no. I'm not here to eat what combinations you already tried.« I joked, crossing my arms on the table. »I want to go back to Alexandria, get ready for the fight. Before I don't have the chance to see you I thought I would visit you.« I added after a deep breath, getting their attention. Enid was speechless, she was surprised and Maggie stopped chewing as she stared at me. »Y/N, you can't. The Saviors search for you.« the woman was first to speak, laying the pencil down on the table.

»We could use your help here.« Suddenly a voice spoke up from the door. We turned our head there and realised it was Jesus. He was leaning against the doorframe, smirking. »Good to see you.« he added, nodding and I did it back. A sigh escaped me and I leaned back in the chair. »You guys won't let me leave right?« I said jokingly, going through my hair. »We won't force you.« Jesus replied, taking a few steps towards us. »How about this. You can sleep here for a night. Think it through.« Maggie suggested and Enid nodded in agreement.

»Okay Okay. You won.« I responded while shaking my head in disbelief. Enid had the grin back on her face as she stood up and gave me a side hug. I smiled at her before turning my eyes to my backpack. »I got a crossbow at The Kingdom and went hunting.« I started, pointing to my backpack. Jesus noticed and picked it up, looking inside and placing the things on the table. Water bottles, fruits, dead rabbits and squirrels.


Days passed and yes I decided to stay at Hilltop. Enid was stroking over her face with her hand, sighing and I asked her if something was wrong. And there was; Sasha was going to go with Rosita to kill Negan. Alone. And somehow they got a gun but still it was stupid. Two people against Negan and the Saviors. She suggested maybe I could convince her to stay but a loud clanging noise interrupted her speech and we immediately turned to the gate.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now