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I woke up about a few hours before the sun started to rose

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I woke up about a few hours before the sun started to rose. My back was a little sore since the ground wasn't really the most comfortable I slept on. As I propped myself up, before sitting completely and stretching my back straight, I saw the others still asleep. I stood up quietly, trying not to wake anyone before my eyes looked around, meeting Daryl's. He sat against a wall which was a bit away from us.

It was obvious why he was there. That's him being him. Our eyes met for like a second because I looked away. The flashbacks of the kiss came back. Daryl wouldn't be the one to talk first and if then it would be a couple days for him to gain courage to come talk to me. Who knows when the next time would be right to talk. Now it seems perfect since the others are sleeping. My heart started to quicken and I had inside my head an argument with myself whether to fucking move my feet towards him or to just stay where I am and wait for the next moment.

Fuck this, I am going to do it. There was almost no sound when my combat boots hit against the wooden floor, as I made my way towards him. He already saw me coming his way, and I could see he was thinking. Maybe he was thinking about just getting up and leave or staying the way he was. I really hoped he was going for option two. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, as I sat down next to him and he stayed seated.

There was a brief silence between us which was tense. I took a glance at him and he bit his inner cheek while looking at me. A soft smile spread on my face before it faded, and I looked at my lap. »I think you probably know why I am here, wanting to talk.« I whispered while my eyes scanned if the others were really sleeping. It would be really awkward for them to find out like this. Especially if it's Carol. She would tease us for days and let me tell you, I am not up for that.

Daryl gave a slight nod before keeping his eyes forward while biting his nails. »Did the kiss mean something? I just want to know, if it was a slip-up, so that I can forget it.« I muttered. I could feel a lump forming in my throat. This was hard. Very hard. Why is talking about this making one embarrassed? I hate that feeling. It's like your feeling unsafe, nervous, frustrated. Okay, calm down. Deep breaths. Not like I could be totally scoring and he wanted to actually kiss me or I could absolutely fail and he just I don't know wanted to make me shut up? God this is awkward.

I am probably being ridiculous but what would you do in my place? I'm about to piss my pants. »I.. I don' know why I did that. Feelin's just came over me I guess.« He rasped, quietly, looking at the ground. His long hair covered a bit of his face but still my eyes could see he was blushing. I never seen a man blush before. Hell, I never saw a man being shy before. In the army, holy. I think you can imagine what kind of man were working there. Shyness? They didn't know what that was.

»If you want, we can forget that. Move on, never speak about it ever again.« I told him quietly, trying not to show how disappointed I was, while saying that. In all honesty my heart, body and soul is obsessed over him. I am really not the patient type, but for him I would try my best to take it slow. The last, I want is him feeling pressured because of me. The archer seemed to be deep in thought, fidgeting with his hands.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 ➳ᵈᵃʳʸˡ ᵈⁱˣᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now