Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Shen Che squeezed her chin and leaned over...

    When Lin Mengqiu woke up, it was already bright outside the window, and the light fell on her numb half arm through the window.

    She didn't know when she fell asleep holding the booklet, and the pen and ink on the kang table were dry, but the strange thing was that the candlestick was only half lit, and the candle tears had just condensed into a small flower.

    Was the window not closed tightly last night, and the wind extinguished the candle?

    Lin Mengqiu moved her numb arm, and lazily climbed off the kang.

    Listening to the movement, Shen Che probably didn't come back last night.

    She remembered that for the first time, she circumvented the screen and entered the inner room cautiously and expectantly, thinking that she could see him, but what was waiting for her was a meticulous bedding and an empty room.

    But she will still persevere in exploring every day, always thinking that there will be a surprise next time, even if there is no joy and only time, she is still full of expectations.

    It was the same today, she put on her shoes habitually, and walked behind the screen while moving her little head and arms without any image.

    Lin Mengqiu actually never thought that Shen Che would be there, but just took it as an instinct, until she poked her head and met those ink-stained eyes.

    Shen Che also just got up, and was sitting on the edge of the bed, when he heard the movement, he looked out coldly.

    All eyes met immediately.

    Shen Che was the first to react. After seeing clearly that it was her, he restrained the chill in his eyes, looked her up and down, and finally landed on the tip of her nose that was stained black with ink.

    The long and narrow phoenix eyes were half-closed and the lips were hooked, and he sneered lazily.

    Lin Mengqiu was awakened instantly by this chuckle, her face was flushed red, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet.

    How could it be like this, every time she tidied up neatly and beautifully, there was no one for Shen Che, who would have thought that he would show up before she cleaned up her mess this time!

    Woohoo, I don't know which fairy was on duty last night. It didn't work every time in the past, but this time her little wish before going to bed was actually fulfilled.

    Lin Mengqiu's first reaction was to hide, she held her last breath, called out "Shizi" weakly, and then sneaked to run back.

    As a result, as soon as her feet were raised, his lazy voice came from the bed: "Where are you going? Come and change my clothes."

    Her movements froze, and she turned around slowly with her face crossed. It was her dream to wait for him to change clothes Of course, it would be even better if she wasn't so embarrassed now.

    Lin Mengqiu lowered his head and gathered his clothes slightly, and combed his messy long hair behind his ears, so that he would not look so impolite, and then walked around the screen with small steps.

    "Your Majesty."

    Shen Che was only wearing a thin white cotton undershirt, and he sat casually on the edge of the bed, but he still couldn't conceal his aura of nobility.

    His white and slender fingers tapped lightly on the mattress, and his brows were slightly furrowed, looking a little displeased.

    But Lin Mengqiu wanted to shrink into a ball at the moment, and didn't dare to look up at him, so naturally he didn't notice the change in Shen Che's expression.

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