Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 Not Ugly

    Lin Mengqiu's heart was beating very fast, as if it was about to jump out of her throat.

    Shen Che said that he likes her to call him husband, is that what she meant in her heart?

    But she didn't dare to ask, because she was afraid that it would be the same as when she was jealous, but she was acting affectionate.

    She bit her lower lip, her face was already burning, her hands and feet were disobedient, and she didn't know where to put it.

    Obviously, it should be a scene of beautiful eyes looking forward to, smiling sweetly, and the beauty is shy, but Lin Mengqiu's face is covered with dust, and her hair is very messy and even covered with leaves.

    As Lin Mengqiu turned her head shyly, the leaves from her hair also fell down, just falling on Shen Che's face.

    The charming atmosphere just now disappeared, Shen Che couldn't hold back for a while, and let out a muffled laugh.

    Lin Mengqiu was always shy in front of her beloved, but this sudden encounter reminded her that she would be very unkempt and ugly.

    Immediately, she felt ashamed and annoyed, even though she was in the valley at the moment, it was difficult to maintain her external image, but she didn't want her downcast appearance to be seen by Shen Che again, why didn't she escape this time after evading the previous life.

    Seeing Lin Mengqiu's angry look, Shen Che couldn't help laughing again, he was really fascinated by the dream barrier before and lost his mind.

    No matter how suspicious Lin Mengqiu's identity is, he should believe in his own judgment. After getting along with her for two or three months, he should know what kind of person she is, and he shouldn't doubt her before.

    Such a naive and pitiful person, even if she borrowed two of her brains, she would not be able to do anything harmful, only she is the one who counts money.

    Hearing that Shen Che was still laughing, Lin Mengqiu just wanted to hide in the ground and never see him again. Is it so funny? If you laugh any more, she will get angry.

    Shen Che was already covered in bruises, so when he smiled like this, the wounds on his body were in pain.

    He is a very patient person, even when his leg was injured, he never cried out the pain, but seeing Lin Mengqiu's angry and shy look, he couldn't help but frowned and let out a soft cry of pain.

    Lin Mengqiu made up her mind not to talk to him, but when she heard Shen Che say it hurts, she was annoyed despite being ashamed, and turned around quickly.

    Looking at him nervously, he checked up and down carefully, "Is the wound being pulled, where does it hurt? Did it still hit something when I fell? Let me see." Shen Che couldn't say anything

    . So it was true that his whole body was in pain, but compared to what he had suffered before, it was nothing.

    But since I have pretended to be in pain, I can only continue to pretend.

    With a calm voice, he whispered to his chest, and Lin Mengqiu hurriedly looked at his chest.

    The jet-black robe was mixed with coagulated blood, and it would tear her flesh when she touched it. Lin Mengqiu's whole body was tense, which was more uncomfortable than her own injury. Every time she looked at his wound again, her tears wanted to fall.

    But she still firmly remembers not to cry.

    It is true that she is neither angry nor annoyed, but Shen Che is even more worried when she sees whether she is going to cry or not. He has thought of some stupid ways.

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