Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Only if she dies, she will never...

    When Shen Che entered the palace, the maid was already on the verge of collapse, and she recruited everything.

    The methods he used to interrogate people were physical and mental torture. When this court lady was just caught, she had hidden poison in her sleeve and wanted to commit suicide. Can put pressure on it mentally.

    Yuan Li first imprisoned her in a dark and airtight secret room for a day, and when she was on the verge of going crazy, he asked someone to pretend to be Shu Pin after his death, and demanded her life.

    Even people who cast copper and iron should be afraid, not to mention that she has a guilty conscience, just now, she has already told one by one how she was instructed by others and how she poisoned her.

    And even Concubine Hui was recruited.

    "Your Majesty, please forgive me. It's not the slave who wants to harm you! It's the concubine Hui who caught the slave and had an affair with others. She forced the slave to poison the slave. The slave will never dare again!" Shen Che watched coldly

    . Standing outside the house, listening to her stern voice, knowing that this is the end of the matter, this is the result that is most in line with everyone's expectations and is the most reasonable.     Concubine Hui is not only jealous of Concubine Shu's favor, but also afraid that the fourth prince will take away the favor of the second prince, so she designs to frame Shen Che, making the queen and the prince jealous, killing two birds with one stone, and she and the second prince can reap the benefits of the fisherman.     It's a pity that she couldn't figure it out after all her calculations, Shen Che was able to escape the disaster, and he was still in charge of the case, but it was too late to destroy the evidence.     His Majesty learned that it was Concubine Hui's murderous hand/Lei Ting was furious, and deposed her as a concubine and put her in the cold palace. Even her elder brother was implicated and demoted, and the Xin family was once again in decline.     The luck in the misfortune is that the second prince was sent by His Majesty to quell the chaos a month ago, and he is not in Beijing at the moment, otherwise he would have to intercede for his mother and concubine. His Majesty is currently in a fit of anger, and if the Second Prince intercedes, he will definitely be implicated.     His uncle Mr. Xin was demoted, so he sent people to stop the second prince immediately. What he has to do now is to hide his strength and bide his time, and make a contribution to calming the chaos, so that he can have a chance to intercede for his mother.

    All these things had nothing to do with Shen Che, after he found out the truth and turned over the assignment, he played chess with him for half a day in the Prince's Yuqing Palace.

    "I can't play anymore, I can't play chess with you. It's really boring to play chess with you. Not only do you lose every game, but you look like you have a bad face, and you seem to owe you gold and silver." Shen Jingan dropped the chess piece, and the

    whole The person leans back, slumped and no longer struggling. Some people are so talented that even if you want to be jealous, you can't be jealous.

    He has known since he was a child that compared with Shen Che, he can only be mad at himself.

    "You don't have a calm mind when you play chess, how can you beat me?" Do

    you listen to what people say? It seems that he can beat him when his mind is calm. Shen Jingan was laughed angrily, supporting his weak body When I sat up, I wanted to argue with him.

    But seeing Shen Che's face, he suddenly changed his mind, "You said that you are lonely, so you are calm? In the past, you would always save some face for Gu, and never let Gu lose so ugly. The one who is restless is clearly you."

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