Able To Leap Tall Buildings In A Single Bound

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"Only a day and she's already destroying school property" Kara listened from the top of the stairs as Pa Kent listened to the man who had come from the school after the accident.

"From the way you tell it it couldn't have possibly been her fault" Pa replied causing Kara to smile. "Sounds like the school has been using faulty equipment"

The man obviously tried to defend the school, insulting Kara in the progress. She of course didn't want to listen to anymore so she stood up and walked to her room. The girl held up the phone Clark had dropped off for her and tried to figure out how it worked.

"Phone, show me the weather" she commanded. "Phone?" She tapped the screen and it turned on. "Ah, it works. Phone, show me the weather" nothing happened. "Or maybe it doesn't" she huffed before slipping it back into her pocket.

Kara glanced outside before smirking and jumping out the window. She landed about a mile away from the house, creating a crater where she landed. "Uh-" she glanced around. She had only meant to land on the ground below the window. "Okay" she muttered as she quickly jumped up into the sky.


Kara screamed as she crashed through the roof of a tool shed. Perhaps she wasn't as perfect at flying as she thought she was. She landed on the ground, once again leaving a crater, as well as crushing a few gardening tools. "Stupid powers" she muttered as she wiped the dirt off of herself.

She opened her eyes and yelped as she saw straight through the walls and into the house on the edge of the property she was currently on. She was startled until her eyes landed on a boy. "Ooh" she smirked as she watched, if she couldn't turn control this she may as well enjoy it. She yelped again as she suddenly saw straight through the boy.

She turned away so she didn't have to stare at his Skelton only to see someone was approaching the shed she was in. "Shit" she muttered as the door opened and she quickly super sped behind it.

"What on earth happened to the roof?" Muttered the voice of a woman. Lana Lang it sounded like. Which meant the boy she had looking at had been- Kara quickly told her mind to shut up. "Oh" Kara watched as the door closed and she was caught by Lana.

"I fell" Kara let out a nervous laugh before she finally realized that at some point in the past minute her x-ray vision and turned off.

Lana sighed. "Come on out of here, I'll make you some coffee" Kara didn't know what coffee was but she wasn't about to say no to the woman who's she'd she had just broken. "Knowing Clark he'll have this fixed by the time I wake up"

"Sounds like Kal" Kara agreed with a nod as she exited the shed with Lana close behind. "Sorry"

"It's fine Kara" Lana replied as she put a hand on the girls shoulder and walked beside her. "You should have seen Clark try to learn to control his powers. At the time I thought he was just weird but looking back on it he was definitely struggling. That kid had a constant blush on his face until he finally got those glasses of his"

Kara let out a laugh as she tried not to blush herself as she thought of what she had just seen.

The sun was just beginning to set as Lana opened the door and let Kara into the house. "Make yourself at home, dear" she spoke as she closed the door and walked towards the kitchen.

Kara looked around the house. It was nice, not as homey as the Kent farm but still nice in a different way. She walked into the living room and looked at the pictures, many pictures of (y/n) and Lana, (y/n) and some other kids, even Lana and Clark... that seemed out of place but she didn't question it to much.

"Mo- oh. Kara?" The girl quickly turned, seeing (y/n) standing by the base of the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

Kara blushed as she remembered what her X-Ray vision has caused her to see. Before Kara could answer the boy Lana walked in with a mug. "Having some coffee" she spoke as she held the cup out to Kara.

Kara took the drink and looked it over as her embarrassment was overshadowed by curiosity. She smiled at the smell before drinking it. "Mm!" She didn't bother to wait for it to cool as she drank.

"Can-" Lana held up another mug and the boy took it. Kara recognized from the smell that it was some other drink.

She eyed the boys mug as he sipped the hot drink, something that didn't go unnoticed by Lana. "He doesn't like coffee" she shrugged, explaining the different smell.

"Well I definitely do now" Kara spoke as she stopped drinking. "They never had this back home" she sipped it again.

"Where's that?" (Y/n) asked, causing Kara to glance at Lana with an unsure look since she didn't realize she had kept her son in the dark about her and kinda wanted to keep it that way.

Lana quickly replied since she knew Kara wouldn't know earth countries well enough to come up with something convincing. "Sweden. Kara is Swedish"

"They don't have coffee in Sweden?" (y/n) replied with a confused look.

"Not my town" Kara smiled as she sipped her coffee again.

"And you don't have an accent?"

"I hide my accent well" Kara shrugged, that part was true enough, she had managed to hide her natural accent decently. "I have mastered your way of speaking"

(Y/n) shrugged before once again sipping his drink which was now starting to cool just enough. "So English not your first language then?"

Kara replied no in kryptonian as she shook her head. The boy, not knowing Swedish, had no clue she wasn't speaking the language it was implied she was speaking. "Neat"

"Neat?" Kara asked. The definition of that word that she knew didn't make much sense here. "Tidy? Clean?" Maybe she wasn't as fluent in English as she thought.

"Interesting, he means that's interesting" Lana spoke as she pat Kara on the shoulder.

"Ah" Kara nodded, annoyed that so many words had multiple meanings.

"Sorry" (y/n) shrugged causing Kara to shrug as well.

"I thought I was doing good at learning English" she failed to realize the grammatical error in her sentence and the other two decided not to point it out.

"You're very good at it" (y/n) replied before Lana could say the same. Lana let out a small smile before leaving the two teens to talk.

"Thanks" Kara let out a small smile. "Still can't read well or write much though"

"I can help you if you'd like" (y/n) offered quickly. Kara's smile widened and she nodded.

"Kara! You should call home and let them know where you are" Lana called out from the kitchen.

Kara quickly paled before pulling out her phone. Lana was definitely right. "Phone. Call Pa" the phone did nothing and she quickly cursed it in kryptonian.

(Y/n) gave her a weird look before snatching the phone from her hands. She was about to argue when the boy turned it on and swiped up, opening the Home Screen. "Ooh" Kara spoke, intrigued as she watched the boy open the phone app. He dialed in a number, she didn't ask why he knew it.

"Here" he held the phone to Kara as he pressed the call button.

Maybe this boy would be more helpful to Kara than she had first realized.

Word count: 1306

(Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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