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"I love autumn" Kara smiled as she walked hand in hand down a Smallville road with her fiancée. She looked off across the road at the forest and smiled as she noticed the leaves were turning red. "It's very pretty" They had been walking for a while now and neither of them really even knew where they were anymore.

"Yeah?" (Y/n) asked as he glanced over at the trees. "You should see when the cherry blossoms start to bloom in the spring"

"Cherry blossoms?" Kara asked as she looked down at the boy.

"They're these trees that turn pink in the spring. They're beautiful" (y/n) spoke as he quickly pulled out his phone and went to his pictures. He scrolled through them for a moment before holding the device up for Kara to see.

"Wow" Kara smiled widely as she looked at the tree on his screen. "I want one!"

"I knew you probably would" the boy shrugged before Kara quickly lifted him up, startling him, and placed him up on her shoulders. "Some warning would be nice" he spoke as he hit the top of her head gently, careful not to break his hand.

"You know... tomorrow is the anniversary of the day we first met" Kara spoke as she looked up at the boy.

"Ah you mean the day I came into your life and your life got infinitely better?" (Y/n) asked as he smirked down at Kara.

Kara was silent for a moment. "Yes. My point is we've known each other for a year now" Kara said as she grabbed the boys hand and kissed it. "And I expect us to do something tomorrow to celebrate it"

(Y/n) frowned. "Not that I'm objecting but why am I the one who has to plan out something big? You gave me one day notice and I'm not the one with super speed and connections everywhere"

Kara rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll plan out something"

"Thank you" (y/n) leaned down and kissed the top of Kara's head.

"You're going to have to do something for me though" Kara spoke as she reached up behind the boy and grabbed his butt.

"Ow! Kara super strength!" The girl quickly let up and the boy glared down at her. "If you're going to sexually harass me you can't make it hurt to much, that's the rule, remember?"

"We're in a sexual relationship. It's not sexual harassment" Kara glared up at the boy.

"It's hotter if we call it that though" (y/n) spoke, prompting Kara to smile as she realized he was showing the side of him she always wished he'd show more. The fucked up side.

"You're such a little freak" Kara laughed as she grabbed his hand and kissed it again.

"Yeah, like you're one to talk" (y/n) replied as he pat the girls head.


Kara Kent woke up the next morning and smiled as she got out of bed. Her fiancée was still asleep so she walked over to the closet and quickly got dressed in a dress she knew the boy liked and her wig before walking back to the bed and shaking it.

The boy groaned as his eyes opened and landed on Kara. "You better have a good excuse for waking me" he muttered as he looked the girl over. "And why are you dressed? You're never dressed in the morning unless you have work"

"We're gonna spend the whole day together" Kara spoke excitedly as she clapped her hands together and motioned for the boy to get out of bed. "First we'll get breakfast, then you'll watch me work, after that we'll get lunch and maybe catch a movie, then-" (y/n) sat up and reached up to cover Kara's mouth.

"Shush. Let's leave some surprises alright?" Kara nodded before the boy pulled his hand away. "How should I be dressed? Formal? Casual?"

"I've got it" she smiled and quickly sped around to dress the boy. Once he was dressed he looked down and nodded, it was a bit more formal than his usual attire but not to much. He was standing up now too. "You look sexy like that"

"You'd think I would look sexy in anything" (y/n) replied as he reached up and booped the girls nose. "Boop"

Kara giggled before kissing the boys forehead. "Ready to head out?"

"Sure" the boy put out his arms and was quickly picked up by Kara.


The day went about as expected. Kara would fly them where she had planned for them to go, each thing they did was enjoyable. First they had breakfast, waffles and ice cream, then Kara took the boy to work where he just watched her flip around and talked to Cass who apparently stopped by from time to time. After that it was lunch, pizza, and caught a movie, Up.

After the movie the two swung in the swings at one of the few Smallville parks. It was the simplest thing on their itinerary but it was something they both enjoyed.

Kara watched with a smile as the boy swung higher than she did. "So what did you think of our day so far?" She asked as she looked over the town.

"It was good" (y/n) said simply as he continued to swing. "I ate, I watched you flip, I ate again, I watched Up, and I swung" he spoke with a smile. "What more productive a day can there be?"

Kara smiled as she heard the boy say that. She had so much more planned for today... unfortunately that's when her super hearing kicked in. She let out a sad sigh which caused the boy to stop swinging and look at her. "Trouble?"

"Parasite is attacking Blue Valley" she replied with another sigh. "I've gotta go"

"So go" the boy waved her off. "Stopping him is more important than this date"

Kara frowned but nodded. "Barely, and even then sometimes I wonder" she spoke as she looked around to make sure nobody was watching before speeding off.

Word count: 1050

(People asked why they're already engaged when it's been less than a year of dating. Easy answer. They're kids and they want to be married. Also in my culture people get married quicker)

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