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Linda Lee floated over Washington DC in the supergirl costume that she hated, listening once again even though she knew that she wouldn't hear anything important. All of the important government buildings had been soundproofed since Superman had sprung up and showed the world that super hearing existed.

Even though that was the case she made sure to listen anyways, hoping to catch some snippet of information if someone opened a door or something.

She didn't expect to hear anything so she wasn't disappointed when that expectation turned out to be the case. She sighed before hearing something and turning to watch as something flew towards her.

"Kal-El" Linda broke into a smile, knowing he'd expect that of supergirl. She couldn't exactly make out the figure since it was going faster than she could, that's why she expected Kal. That's why she was confused when it wasn't him.

"You know identity theft isn't a joke right?" The unfamiliar boy asked with a smirk as he looked down from where he floated slightly higher than Linda. "Especially super identity theft"

 "Especially super identity theft"

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Linda just looked confused. "I could be saying the same thing. That's one of my old suits" the role of supergirl came surprisingly easy to her at times.

"Touché!" The boy shrugged. "Except that we both know you're not supergirl. Superboy" he held his hand out.

"Supergirl" Linda replied as she shook his hand. "Whether you think so or not"

"Sure" Superboy nodded as he took his hand back. "If that's so how about we head back to your place? I need to talk with Superman"

Linda knew that Supergirl had once been a resident of Kansas but that didn't leave enough of a trail for her to figure out where exactly she had resided in a short amount of time. "I'm busy. I'm sure you can find Kal-El on your own"

She began to fly away but Superboy quickly grabbed her shoulder to stop her. This enraged Linda but she held that in. "Someone needs my help"

"I don't hear anyone calling for you" Superboy replied simply. "So what are you? A clone like me? The ultra Humanite? Supergirls daughter come back from the future to fight crime?"

"Why don't you think I'm supergirl?" Linda asked curiously.

"She's dead" that wasn't true but that was what the public thought so Kon-El went with that. "I've seen her body" that was a bit more true, he had seen her when flying above Smallville but they had never been introduced.

"That's never stopped anyone like us before" Linda smiled as she pulled her shoulder away from Superboy. "I'm going now"

"Sure" Superboy nodded as he crossed his arms. "I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you"

Linda rolled her eyes before flying away.

Superboy floated there in silence for a moment before closing his eyes. Batman's tracker is on her he thought silently, knowing that Saturn Girl was in his mind still.


Kara Kent-Lang took the fact that she was still in the real world as Mr. Mxyzptlk's way of saying she had some time to get rid of the imposter, and she intended to do just that.

Everyone around her though kept telling her to leave it to the current superheroes but she knew that this was something she needed to do. This person was messing with her life, putting it in danger.

She was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of a sonic boom a few miles away before hearing someone land on the front porch and knock. It wasn't Kal-El. It wasn't anyone she recognized.

Kara quickly made her way to the door as she readied to activate her electricity powers just in case.

She opened the door as she began to spark, her eyes turning red as she readied to defend herself. She stopped however when she noticed the person standing before her.

"Woah sparky! I come with Chinese" the boy was dressed in what seemed to be her old costume but for a male. In one hand he held up a bag of Chinese food while he held Batgirl in his other hand. "Two types!"

"I- how did he get you to agree to that joke?" Was all supergirl could ask as she looked down at Cass who just crossed her arms in response. She then looked back to the boy. "Who are you and why are you dressed like me?"

"Superboy, Kon-El, Conner Kent. Clone of Superman and Lex Luthor. I made this outfit only to be told you did it first. Thanks a lot by the way" he walked in, pushing past Kara before he put Cass and the Chinese food on the ground. "I just met your evil twin"

Cass pulled off her mask before quickly opening the bag of Chinese food and breaking open a fortune cookie. She silently read the fortune before eating the cookie.

"She's not my twin" Kara almost growled at the idea of it. "What's she like?"

"Insistent that she's you" Conner replied with a shrug. "Shall we go and eat?" He motioned to the food that Cass was already beginning to look through for her meal.

Kara sighed but nodded. She walked to Cass and picked up her and the food before carrying them to the table as Conner followed closely behind.


(Y/n) Lang had slept in so the last thing he expected to find in his dining room upon waking up was a hero meeting.

"Nice pajamas!" The one he recognized as the Superboy from the newspapers pointed finger guns at him as he entered the room.

(Y/n) looked down at his undershirt and stargirl pajama pants. "Thanks. It's awesome what you can find on Etsy"

Superboy nodded in agreement as Kara turned in surprise, not having noticed when her husband came in. Cass of course had known the moment he woke up. "So what did I miss?" (Y/n) finally asked.

"I put a tracker on fake supergirl" Superboy replied simply as Cass held up her cellphone which showed where the tracker said the imposter was.

"Oh. Cool" (y/n) yawned as he walked over to the table and saw all the food. "I don't suppose-"

"Kara ate your food" Cass spoke which caused the kryptonian girl to quickly slip under the table as Superboy laughed.

"You were asleep!" Kara spoke as (y/n) just sighed and shook his head.

"Whatever. So are you all going after the new supergirl?"

"She's not supergirl!" Kara spoke as she quickly sped in front of the boy, causing him to fall backwards onto his ass. "Do not call her that"

"Right, right" (y/n) groaned before lying back on the ground instead of standing up.

Kara moved to go talk to Superboy as Cass slowly walked over to (y/n) and looked down at him. "Here" she whispered as she pulled an extra fortune cookie from a pocket in her cape and dropped it on the boys chest.

"You're the best. Love you" the boy smiled up at Cass who in turn just pointed a finger gun at him and winked. She walked away as he opened the cookie's wrapper and broke it open. "Looking at romance logically is not always the right way to look at it" he read the fortune. "That's not even a fortune" he sighed before eating the cookie.

Word count: 1245

(What's with fortune cookies not even having fortunes nowadays?)

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