Psychiatric Help

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(Y/n) had elected to stay at the hall of Justice to get psychiatric help, much to the dismay of Frost.

"This is ridiculous" the white haired boy growled at he stared at Black Canary who was sitting across from him. "Don't I get a say in this?"

"Of course you do" Canary spoke as she placed down her notepad and stared back at the boy. "It's your life just as much as it is (y/n)'s"

"Thank you!" The boy clapped his hands together

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"Thank you!" The boy clapped his hands together. "Nobody else besides the other Frost seems to get that"

"That must be frustrating" Canary spoke as she entwined her fingers and watched the boy.

"Oh you have no idea" Frost replied as he leaned back into the couch.


"I mean it's my life he's fucking up" (y/n) spoke as he crossed his arms and stared out the window. "What right does he have to do that?"

"Have you tried talking to him?" Canary asked as she wrote something down on her note pad.

"The only way we can communicate is through leaving notes for one another" (y/n) replied. "After a while it gets annoying and to much of a hassle"

Canary nodded, thinking of a good way to phrase her next statement. "Communication is an integral part of every relationship you will ever have. This one is no exception. If you and Kara were having phone issues you wouldn't just give up on getting through to her right?"

"Of course not" (y/n) replied defensively. "But this is different"

"How so?"

"I don't like him"


"That superslut has a temper, a history of sexual assault, and a tendency to lose control of her powers" Frost spoke as he made a snowball and crushed it in his hand. "Yet he hates me for trying to protect him from her?" The temperature in the room plummeted but Canary ignored it. "And do you want to know the biggest injustice about all this? My thoughts didn't just come from nowhere. He knows she could kill us if she has a tantrum yet he does nothing!"

"Despite sharing the same brain you two are very different people" Canary replied as she shrugged. "You handle this situation differently. (Y/n) either trusts her just enough that he's willing to put his life in her hands or just doesn't mind the idea of dying. You on the other hand, if I can make an assumption" the boy shrugged. "You don't trust her, you don't trust easily and I'm assuming she's been nothing but hostile to you"

"You assume correctly" Frost spoke with a nod.


"I love Kara yet he's done nothing but try to split us up. He has been rude to her, he's made her question herself and our relationship, and he's even tried to kill her" (y/n) spoke angrily as he roughly squeezed the arm of the couch.

"And what do you think his reasons for this are?" Canary asked as she noticed how angry the topic was making the boy.

"What does it matter? He obviously hates us" he huffed as he turned his head back from the window to Canary. "What do you think?"

Canary smiled. "Well first off I think you're wrong about him hating you" the boy gave a confused but intrigued look. "I think-"


"I care about him you know? I'm not doing this just for myself" Frost spoke as he threw an ice dart at the dartboard in the corner of the room. "I mean think about his relationship with Kara and tell me it's not self destructive"

"I wouldn't so much say self destructive" Canary replied as she threw her own dart at the board, scoring more points than the boy. "More so symbiotic. From what I've heard Kara is much better around (y/n), both when it comes to her emotional state and behavior. In exchange for this (y/n) gets love and care which he craves, in my opinion, a bit to much"

"So you see that too" Frost let out a small laugh. "We think it's because of his lack of a loving father figure"

"Well that certainly makes sense" Canary nodded as she watched the boy throw another dart. "What about you? What do you crave?"


"He's a criminal" (y/n) spoke as he quickly pulled his wallet from his pocket and opened it. "I mean look at this! I know I didn't make all this money myself. The closest thing I have to a job is going to the grocery store with my mom and asking if I can keep whatever change she gets"

Canary decided not to comment on the weird comment he had added in to that. "Frost craves more control of his life. Thievery is an outlet for that. It's a life of his own completely separate from yours"

"He wants more control? He had me for three months!" (Y/n) huffed as he crossed his arms. "That should be enough"

"There you go" Canary spoke, causing the boy to look confused. "That's how he feels. Other than those months he spends most of your waking hours just waiting for you to fall asleep so he can take control. You're two people now (y/n), whether you like it or not. Even if you came first, Frost has a mind and feelings of his own, I think that's something you struggle to realize"

(Y/n) frowned and nodded. It was hard to think of Frost as anything but an irritant.   


"People tend to need to make their own mistakes to be able to learn from them" Canary spoke to Frost as he looked unamused. "So even if you believe this relationship of (y/n)'s to be a mistake he won't learn from it if you just kill Kara"

Frost glared. "What good will that be if we're not alive for him to learn from it?"

Canary was silent for a moment. "I don't think I alone will be able to get you to trust Kara" the boy smirked and nodded in agreement. "So I'd like to propose you spend some one on one time with her"

"Me?" The criminal laughed as he messed with a bit of his hair. "You're insane"

"Maybe" Canary shrugged. "Or maybe I really believe that you are capable of living in peace with your other half" the boys expression softened at that. "And we both know how you want that"

Word count: 1101

(Just for the record this chapter is over the course of many sessions. Things like this don't just happen over one)

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