Getting Better

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It was about a week after Kara had woken up when she was finally well enough to try and get dressed. She listened to her boyfriend awkwardly stand there as she struggled to get her shirt on, her shirt blocking her view of him. "A little help?" She asked as she motioned for him to come over.

"Right" (y/n) nodded quickly as he walked over to the girl and was quick to get her shirt on her properly.

"Thanks Sunshine" Kara gave the boy a swift kiss before sitting back down on the bed.

"Mhm" (y/n) replied as he sat down beside the girl. His eyes got drawn to her cast prompting him to ask a question. "Who signed that? I thought Cass couldn't read and write"

Kara held her cast up for the boy to get a better look. "Cassandra spoke and Bruce wrote down what she said" she spoke before reading it. "Get better. Order, not request. Love, Cassandra"

(Y/n) nodded as he smiled. "Cute"

"Yeah she's a cute kid" Kara nodded as she smiled back.

"Kid? You're almost the same age" (y/n) responded.

"Excuse me? I'm forty one" Kara replied as she stuck her tongue out at the boy.

"Time spent in the phantom zone doesn't count" (y/n) said as he shook his head, prompting Kara to pout at him. "Biologically you're seventeen"

"And she's fifteen. Big difference" Kara replied as she stuck her tongue out at the boy again.

"Why are you sticking your tongue out at me?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look.

"To confuse and annoy you" Kara replied without pulling her tongue back into her mouth. "And it's working"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before moving closer to Kara. "You're not annoying me though" he replied as he stared into her eyes. "Just being cute"

Kara huffed before leaning forward more and licking the boys face, causing him to quickly back up. "What about that?" She asked as she laughed so hard at her own antics that it hurt her still recovering lungs.

"That was a bit gross" (y/n) replied before quickly grabbing Kara and pulling her into his lap, causing her to yelp. He quickly rubbed his face against her still slightly bruised one, rubbing her saliva back onto her.

"Ew!" Kara resumed her laughing as she cuddled into the boy. "You are so gross!" She laughed harder as she wrapped her non broken arm around the boys waist.

"Nah I know you well enough to know you found that hot" (y/n) replied as he swiped a stray bit of the girls blonde and pink hair behind her ear.

Kara nodded as she finally stopped laughing. "Maybe just a bit" she replied as she reached up and held the boys chin with her hand. "You need to shave"

"I know" (y/n) replied as he felt her rub what facial hair was coming in. "But I've been staying here and my shaver is at home"

Kara went silent for a moment as she stared into the boys eyes. "Can... can I do it?" She asked quietly as she motioned to her eyes.

(Y/n) was silent for another long moment. "You mean with your lasers?"

"Yeah" Kara nodded slowly. "It's how Kal and I shave our bodies and we don't burn ourselves. I'm certain I won't burn you either"

(Y/n) was silent again. His eyes flashed blue, as if Frost was sending her a warning. "Sure" (y/n) spoke although he didn't seem particularly convinced. "Just... be careful, okay"

"Of course" Kara nodded as she stared at the boys growing beard. "Can I start now?" She asked and was met with a slow nod. "Alright, you shouldn't feel a thing" she whispered as she began to shoot lasers from her eyes, they were so weak that the only people who would have been able to see them would be people with thermal vision.

(Y/n) sat absolutely still for one moment before realizing Kara had finished. "I didn't want you uncomfortable" she spoke as she reached up and stroked the boys now hairless face. "So I used my super speed"

"Thanks hon" (y/n) leaned over and placed a small kiss on her nose. "I'm sorry I doubted you"

"It was warranted" Kara spoke a bit dejectedly as she looked away. "I don't exactly have the best track record with my powers"

"That's true" (y/n) nodded as he took her healthy hand away from his face and into his own hand. "But you've been getting better. Soon enough I'm sure you'll have full control"

"I'm not so sure" Kara frowned as she pulled her hand away and held it in the air between them. "During the fight with the Humanite remember that electricity thing I did?"

"The blue skin thing?" Kara nodded. "Yeah of course. Why?"

"I had no clue I could do that. Kal-El didn't even mention it when talking about the powers I may get" Kara answered as she clenched her fist and tried to make electricity come out but nothing did. "And even now I can't make myself do it again. Not even a spark"

"Have you asked Clark about it?" (Y/n) asked, prompting Kara to shake her head. "Well maybe you should next time you see him" he spoke as he once again took Kara's hand, this time between both of his own.

"I will" Kara nodded although she seemed nervous at the idea. She was silent for a moment before changing the subject as her expression turned to a smirk. "I don't remember much of the fight but am I remembering correctly that you thought I was hot when I was blue?"

(Y/n) let out a small laugh as he shook his head. "Of course of all that, that's what you remember" he squeezed Kara's hand and nodded. "Yes, you looked good Kara"

The gal smiled before once again leaning into the boy again. "Next time I turn like that I'm gonna need you to have a mirror. See if I live up to the hype"

Word count: 1056

(Realized I never showed Supergirl Blue. Here ya go, it's basically the his but the suit is her current suit and more electricity surging over and around her body)

 Here ya go, it's basically the his but the suit is her current suit and more electricity surging over and around her body)

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