
495 34 12

(You may have already read this chapter. I had to reupload it after something weird happened)

Kara Kent let out a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the yellow sun chamber in her fortress. She was all healed now and overcharged with energy after a night of sleep in it.

Once she had made her way upstairs the girl looked around for her fiancée. "(Y/n)?" She asked before she used her X-Ray vision and found that he was still upstairs, getting dressed for the day.

"Hey Sunshine" Kara spoke, startling the boy as she zoomed into the room.

"Hello Kara" the boy replied without looking at the girl as he pulled on his favorite Hawaiian shirt and started buttoning it.

"Are you still mad?" The girl pouted.

"I'm not mad" the boy replied as he shook his head. "Just disappointed"

"Oh come on! Everyone knows that's worse!" Kara groaned as she turned the boy around.

"Yes, yes it is" he spoke before looking her over. "Get dressed"

"No" she huffed as she looked down at him. "Not until you- did you get shorter?"

The boy rolled his eyes. "No. You just keep growing taller" the boy replied, now almost a whole head shorter than Kara. "When is that going to stop by the way?"

Kara shrugged. "Who knows... maybe the yellow sun chamber sped up the growing? Hopefully I'll keep growing for a while. I can really get off to this"

"You can? I'm the one who's gonna be eye to eye with your breasts soon" (y/n) replied as he grabbed Kara's overalls and threw them into her arms. "Get dressed"

Kara huffed before putting on the overalls, she didn't bother with a shirt or anything else under it since she wasn't planning to go out. "I've been meaning to get new ones" she pouted as she looked down at her legs and finally realized how high up they now ended.

"That really barely covers anything without a shirt" the boy frowned as he watched her adjust the straps.

"We're not going anywhere and nobody is coming here" Kara insisted with a frown. "Relax and enjoy the view from down there"

(Y/n) frowned but decided to drop the subject. "You owe me a date by the way after canceling last night"

"I'll be glad to make it up to you" Kara smiled before leaning down and kissing the boys forehead. "And stop acting like last night was all bad. We both enjoyed it"

"You literally decided not to get better and instead to keep hurting yourself" (y/n) frowned as he crossed his arms. "And those weren't just minor injuries! You could barely even move without my help!"

"I- it sounds bad when you say it like that" she frowned too as she looked down and away. "I just wanted to try- I didn't think-"

"No you didn't think" (y/n) agreed harshly. "Even if I am a sadist I'd never, ever, want you risking your life like that if you didn't have to" he glared up at her. "It stops being hot the second it gets anywhere close to suicide"

Kara's eyes went wide. "I- that was not-"

"I don't care if you didn't mean it that way. Kara, I watched my sister try to kill herself and then I watched our friend try the same thing. I don't EVER want to see you do anything even close to that"

Kara nodded as she realized how much this bothered the boy. "Nothing like that is going to happen again. I promise. You're stuck with me forever"

(Y/n) smiled and Kara quickly pulled him into a hug. "Good, that's just how I want it" he smiled as he leaned his head against her chest and upper breasts. "Tall girls make for good hugs"

Kara smiled as she pat the boys back. "That we do... how about I get dressed and then we go out?" She asked with a smile as she glanced at the calendar to confirm what day of the week it was. "You can watch me and the girls at practice and then we'll get some batburger"

"Is batburger any good?" (Y/n) asked with an intrigued look. "I've never actually had fast food but I've only heard bad things"

Kara shrugged. "I don't know... however! If we get kids meals then we get Batman themed toys!"

"Alright I'm sold" (y/n) smiled. "Let's go!"

Kara smiled before pulling away from the hug and using her super speed to strip and change into her cheerleading uniform. "Ready to go?" She asked as she watched the boy put on his Kara's supergirl jacket since it would keep him from getting cold from all the wind when they ran.

"I'm ready" (y/n) nodded with a smile. Kara gently picked the boy up bridal style before placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Off we go" she spoke before quickly running them down the stairs and out of the house.

They arrived in Gotham a minute later and the boy as he was told watched the cheerleading practice. After that they went to batburger.

(Y/n) got the Batman and Robin toy while Supergirl got Nightwing and Batgirl. They were both very happy with their toys.

Word count: 905

(Sorry it's short but had the suicide trauma idea right after writing the last chapter and then realized I absolutely had to do that with this chapter. Felt wrong to stretch it more than this)

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