The Light Part 3

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Kara Kent-Lang lay with her head on the ground sadly. "Kara, let's just get up alright?" (Y/n) begged for them to stand as he lay at her side, their shared arm still connecting them.

"What's the point?" She asked quietly as she stared to the side at the bright light that was all they could ever see. "We're never escaping from here. We're in Hell"

"We are not in Hell" (y/n) sighed.

"We are! I died during some mission and you must have died too and this is my punishment" she cried as she turned and buried her face in the perfectly smooth ground.

"Kara you're not dead, I'm not dead" (y/n) reached over and pat her head for a couple seconds before pulling away before their bodies could fuse anymore than they already had. "We're here, together. Why would we be allowed to stay together if we were in hell?"

Kara's crying became louder. "B-because- because I couldn't save y-you" she sobbed loudly. "Now I- I've been trying to save you from here- from here and- and" she slowly sat up and wiped her tears away. "I'm Sisyphus"

"Kara you are not Sisyphus" (y/n) spoke seriously.

"Yes I am!" She screamed as she hit her head. "We both are! We keep walking and walking and walking and walking and walking! As if anything will change if we keep going! As if we won't just find another body and be forced to eat it before walking again! Well I'm sick of it! I'm not walking anymore, I'm not eating anymore, and I'm not going to keep promising to get us out of here. I'm not rolling the fucking bolder up the hill for another fucking second!"

"Okay" (y/n) spoke quietly after a moment of silence. He wanted to suggest that she try to go to sleep but they couldn't sleep here, that was probably part of why she was having this breakdown. "I won't ask you to keep going"

"Thank you" she whispered as her voice cracked. "I love you"

"I love you too" (y/n) replied softly as he reached over and stroked the girls cheek. He felt his hand starting to fall into her flesh after a moment and he quickly pulled away before the change solidified.


Kara didn't listen to her husband as he spoke to her. Instead she quietly bit at her arm, trying to draw as much blood as possible in a desperate effort to see anything besides the blinding white light that surrounded them. She hissed as she bit as hard as she could, she could taste the blood but couldn't see it. Maybe if she drew a bit more-

"Kara?" She looked up as she heard her name. "What was that?"

"Nothing" the ex-girl of steel replied before she took another bite, drawing more blood. "I'm sick of the light"

"You and me both" the boy let out a humorless laugh. "I'd kill for some darkness"

Those words awakened something in Kara. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it before. "(Y/n)?" She asked quietly to which the boy told her he was listening with a hum. "If- if this isn't hell-"

"It's not" the boy replied.

"If it's not" Kara continued. "Then we have a way out"

(Y/n) was silent for a long moment. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean" Kara replied darkly as she resumed her biting of her arm.

"Don't you dare talk like that Kara" (y/n) replied quietly as he reached out and touched his wife's arm, recoiling as he felt the sticky substance leaking out of her. "Kara what did you do?!" He asked as he stared in her direction.

"Nothing too damaging yet" she replied before she bit into her arm harder. "Let's change that" her words were muffled by her arm.

"Kara no!" He grabbed her arm and yanked it from her mouth as hard as he could, causing the girl to scream angrily at him. "Don't you dare do that again!"

"It may be the only way out!" Kara began to sob as the boy let go of her once he again felt them begin to fuse but yet to solidify. "Anything is better than this place!"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment as he tried to stand up but was pulled back down by the arm he and Kara shared. "Kara suicide is not the answer" he replied matter of factly.

"It's the only possible answer we have!" Kara replied hysterically as she sobbed harder. "You just don't see it"

"Kara I've watched to many people we know try to kill themselves" he spoke after a minute of silence. "I didn't let them and I'm not going to let you"

Kara didn't speak, she just let her sobbing speak for her as they became more and more hysterical. It broke (y/n)'s heart to hear her this way but it broke it more to even hear what she had been considering.


Kara Kent-Lang rocked back and forth as she sucked her thumb, trying her best to ignore the growing hunger in her stomach. She and (y/n) despite sitting beside one another hadn't spoken since she suggested suicide. She still thought it was the best idea but she loved her husband enough not to do it yet. She didn't know how long it would stay that way.

It may have been whole days or weeks since they had last spoken but it only felt like an hour to her. She wondered not for the first time what she could have possibly done to wind up in hell. She bit down on her thumb, not enough to break the skin, as she continued to suck on it.

She slowly began to hum for the first time in what must have been weeks as she continued to rock back and forth. She needed to get out of here.

She wondered how much longer before she finally tried it.

Word count: 1013

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