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"Tu m'as dit que j'étais faite pour une drôle de vie" Kara sung quietly to herself as she used her keys to unlock the front door. She was in full summer costume. "J'ai des idées dans la tête et je fais que j'ai envie" she entered the house.

"Were you just in France?" Kara quickly turned to see her boyfriend sitting on the couch.

"Oui" she smiled as she walked over to him and sat on his lap. "Paris"

"How was it?" (Y/n) asked as the girl positioned herself so she was facing him and her legs were around his waist.

"C'était magnifique" Kara spoke as she placed a kiss on the boys cheeks.

"Good. Now keep in mind my French is limited" (y/n) spoke, prompting Kara to huff.

"I'll teach you more later" she spoke now in English.

"What were you even doing in Paris?" (Y/n) asked curiously as Kara kissed him again. "And how was it important enough that you forgot to get me something"

"Un moment" Kara quickly pulled back and put her hand into her pocket before pulling out a bag. "Open wide" she spoke as she pulled out a still warm croissant.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes but opened his mouth. Kara made airplane noises before putting part of the croissant into the boys mouth so he could take a bite. "Mm. Yummy"

"Glad you like it" Kara smiled as she watched the boy take another bite. "But yeah as for why I was there, there was an open mic night at a bar and Firehawk kinda dragged me there"

"Sounds like fun" (y/n) spoke with a smile. "Wait- if you were with Firehawk then you were already there. What were you doing there?"

"Snacking... maybe stopping a bombing" Kara replied with a shrug. "I wanted baguettes" she watched as the boy finished the croissant. "Wow you're a quick eater for a human"

"So you as supergirl sang in public?" (Y/n) asked, bringing Kara back to the topic at hand. "How'd it go?"

"Good" Kara smiled. "As you know, as with everything else I have a talent for singing"

"You could say that a bit less smugly" (y/n) pushed at the girl's stomach causing her to giggle.

"I could but I won't" Kara replied as she kissed the boy again, enjoying the secondhand taste of croissants.

"So what did you sing?" (y/n) asked once the kiss was done.

"French stuff" Kara replied with a shrug. "I think I have a future as a singer"

"You're supergirl. You have a future as whatever you want" (y/n) replied as he stood up, Kara clinging to him as he did. "Oh! Kara I'm not going to say you're heavier than you used to be but I'm not carrying you all the way upstairs if-" the boy was cut off as Kara started floating a bit so most of her weight didn't impede him. "Oh. Never mind"

"I am not heavy" Kara huffed as she looked down at herself.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes. "You're like one of those dogs which was as a puppy was able to lay on their owners lap but when older grew to be huge but still tries to do it, crushing the owner in the process"

Kara was silent for a moment. "So you think of yourself as my owner?" She questioned with a smirk.

(Y/n) just shook his head, exasperated, as he started walking towards the stairs. "That's what you took from that analogy?"

"Oui. That is exactly what I took from it" Kara nodded in response as she kissed the boys cheek. "It's kinda hot"

"You think everything is hot" (y/n) replied as he felt Kara starting to feel him up.

"So do you" Kara responded with a smirk. "You just hide it because you're ashamed"

"I am not-" the boy was cut off as Kara put her hand over his mouth.

"You're ashamed" Kara repeated in a singsong tone of voice. "A-S-H-A-M-E-D" she quickly pulled her hand away when she felt the boy lick it. "Gross yet hot. See? I'm not ashamed you shouldn't be either"

"You are such a pain in the ass" The boy rolled his eyes.

"I'm your pain in the ass" Kara replied as she carefully slapped the boy in the ass, causing him to glare at her. "You love it"

"I'm going to drop you" (y/n) replied simply as they reached the top of the stairs.

"You can hit me if you want" Kara offered. "I won't feel it and I promise to roll with the punches so you don't break your hand"

"I'm not hitting you Kara" (y/n) replied before unwrapping the girls legs from around his waist and dropping her to the floor.

"Oh come on!" She quickly stood up and followed the boy only for their door to he closed right before she entered. "I've seen your search history!" She called through the door. "We both know you're almost as sexually screwed up in the head as I am!"

Kara waited for another moment but the door didn't open so she walked downstairs. "He knows I'm right" she said with a small laugh. It was fun to mess with the boy, he could be such a prude.

Word count: 917

(I was listening to French music again. Is it obvious my chapters aren't thought out at all before I start them?)

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