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"Ugh" Kara Kent groaned in pain as she slowly began to wake up in what she instantly knew was the hall of justice. "My face hurts" she groaned as she reached towards her face but cringed as she accidentally hit herself in the face with a cast that was now on her arm. "Ow" she whispered as she looked around. Her face lit up as she saw her best friend. "Cass!"

The Batgirl's head quickly shot up as she was pulled from her thoughts and noticed Kara was awake. "Kara!" She got out of her chair and quickly made her way to the girl of steel's side as she took her mask off. "Feeling?"

"Hurt" Kara replied as she glanced around. "Where's (y/n)?"

"Vending machine" Cass replied as she looked Kara over. "Six broken ribs and punctured lung" she spoke as she motioned to the girls chest. She then motioned to her hand. "Broken" she finally motioned to Kara's face. "Bruised and one missing tooth" Kara quickly felt around her mouth with her tongue. "Fake one. Good as new"

Kara nodded as she relaxed again back into the bed. "Thanks for the Kryptonite" she spoke as she offered the batgirl a small smile.

Cassandra took Kara's non broken hand in her own and nodded as she squeezed it. "You're welcome"

They were silent for a moment before the door opened and (y/n) walked in with a couple bags of chips. "Here Bat-" he noticed Kara was awake and smiled. "Hey!" he spoke as he threw the chips onto Cassandra's empty chair and walked over to Kara. "How you feeling?"

"A kiss might make me feel better" Kara replied shyly, causing the boy to roll his eyes before leaning down to kiss her. "Ow! I was wrong!" she spoke causing the boy to quickly pull away. "I hate being hurt"

"Yeah, most of us do" (y/n) replied as he gently pat the girl's thigh since he was pretty sure she wasn't hurt there.

"Can you help me stand up?" Kara asked as she tried and failed to sit up. "I want to get out of this bed"

"Bad idea" (y/n) replied as he shook his head. "You should rest"

"Hospital gown has no back" Cassandra added onto the boys statement.

"I don't want rest, I want to stand up. And modesty isn't something I care about" Kara replied as she once again tried and failed to sit up. "Cass help me"

The girl sighed before taking her hand back from Kara's hand and grabbed her shoulders to help her sit up. "Bad idea" she repeated (y/n)'s words as she slowly helped Kara to her feet.

Kara stumbled before floating a bit off the ground so that she could support herself better. "That's better" she whispered as she gently stretched out her body. "Hurts my back less when it's not on the bed"

"Oh, that's why you wanted to stand" (y/n) spoke as he watched the girl float.

"I feel like I've been cut open" Kara groaned as she rubbed her sore stomach lightly.

"Well you did have a lot of internal bleeding" (y/n) replied causing Kara to quickly turn her head to him. "So yeah there were a few surgeries"

Kara quickly looked down at her body again. "Where did they cut me open?" She asked frantically. "Will there be a scar?!"

Cass quickly grabbed Kara's hand again. "Few scars. Cut into hand, stomach, and chest. Calm" Kara nodded slowly as she began to calm down.

"Is it all freaky looking now though?" Kara asked as she glanced downwards. "Woah!" She let out a small laugh. "I look so cool"

(Y/n) and Cassandra exchanged confused looks. "I've never heard a stomach scar described as cool"

"Mine are cool" Cassandra smirked

"Want a look?" Kara asked as she started taking off the hospital gown.

"Yeah that's not necessa- Ooh okay boobs... those scars do look cool" (y/n) spoke as Kara pulled off her gown so that only her bottom half was still covered.

"Cool" Cassandra agreed with a nod as she lifted up the top half of her suit to expose her stomach. "Matching"

"Ah!" Kara yelled excitedly. "We match! I knew choosing you as my best friend would be the right thing!" Kara almost went in for a hug before realizing she'd just hurt herself.

"Can you put your gown back on before someone else comes in?" Kara rolled her eyes but did as her boyfriend asked.

"You're no fun" Kara spoke as she glanced towards the door. "Nobody was coming"

"Well I don't have super hearing or X-Ray vision" (y/n) shrugged. "For all I know Superman could have been about to come in"

Kara shrugged as Cass lowered the top half of her suit so she was covered up again. "So what happened with the Humanite?"

"At the moment she is currently frozen to Cass' kryptonite while we wait for Superman. He had to go to space and when he gets back Batman is going to suggest we send her to the Phantom Zone" (y/n) replied causing Kara to frown.

Kara had spent twenty four years in the Phantom Zone, just waiting to get out. The idea of being sent back was almost enough to make her feel bad for Ultra. "Sucks to be her"

"Yep" (y/n) nodded as he watched Kara slowly try floating down more and landing on her feet. She almost stumbled but caught herself and stood there. "You okay?"

"Yep" Kara nodded slowly. "I think I'm fine"

"Good" Cass nodded as she walked over to a bag that was next to Kara's bed. "Clothing in here when able"

Kara nodded. "Yeah definitely not able yet" she spoke as she slowly began to walk back to her bed. She fell and was quickly caught by (y/n). "Thanks"

"No problem" (y/n) offered a small smile as he helped her sit back down on the bed.

Word count: 1006

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