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"Yeah!" (Y/n) cheered on the team as they made the field goal. He felt something and turned to see Kara glaring at him from where she was standing in her cheerleading uniform. "What? You knew when you invited me here that I wouldn't be rooting for your team" he whispered as he subtly motioned to his hat. "I'm a Steelers fan through and through"

The girl turned back to the game, electing to ignore the boy. Her team was losing, not that it really mattered. She got paid either way. It still hurt that her boyfriend was rooting for the opposing team though.

Kara was pulled from her thoughts as the game ended. She groaned as the other team began celebrating. She could also hear her boyfriend celebrating in the crowd.

About ten minutes later Kara was done talking to the other cheerleaders and quickly dressed in her white shirt and overalls before meeting her boyfriend in the stands. "Someone enjoyed themselves" she crossed her arms as she looked down at him.

"That I did" (y/n) ignored the obvious annoyance in the girls voice as he stood up and kissed the cheerleader. "I think we're going to the Super Bowl this year"

"We?" Kara asked as she glared at the boy. "The only way WE could go is if I were cheerleading in it. That doesn't seem like it's going to be the case"

"You know what I meant" (y/n) spoke as he took off his hat and placed it on the girls head. "That's so hot on you"

Kara continued to glare at the boy. "Take this thing off of me or I will go down there and break the Steelers quarterback's leg" the hat was quickly lifted off her head and put back on the boys. "Thank you"

"You're no fun" (y/n) huffed as he grabbed Kara by one of the overall straps and pulled her towards the exit.

"Not after a loss" Kara agreed as she uncrossed she arms and followed the boy as they pushed through the crowd. "Want to go get drinks? A couple of the girls were thinking of going to a bar nearby"

"Neither of us is old enough to buy a drink and it won't even affect you" (y/n) replied as he gave Kara a confused look.

"This is Gotham" Kara said as if that explained everything. "Nobody is going to ask for an ID as long as we're capable of paying"

"Fair enough" (y/n) shrugged as he and Kara made it to the exit.


"We are so late!" Kara groaned as she stared into the boys eyes. "Stupid crime. Now remember, these are my coworkers. If you mention you were rooting for the enemy at the game I will lobotomize you"

"I'm not going to mention it" (y/n) let out a small laugh. Kara had already taken his hat and put it in her bag with her uniform. "I can behave when I want to Kara. Let's head inside alright?"

Kara sighed before nodding and entering the bar with her boyfriend. It wasn't a particularly nice place but it also wasn't dirty and run down. She looked around before frowning she took her boys hand and lead him to an empty booth in the corner of the building. "I guess they decided I was taking to long" she sighed and leaned her head on the boys shoulder.

"Sorry sweetheart" (y/n) put an arm around Kara and pat her shoulder.

"It's fine" Kara sighed. "This Barbie works better solo anyways"

"Oh?" (Y/n) asked as he smirked. "Should I not tell you then that your boss' daughter just walked in?"

"Cass?" Kara's head quickly shot up and she waved at the Asian girl who then proceeded to walk over to them before sitting down in the booth across from the pair. "What are you doing here?"

"Here to see you" Cass smiled as she looked at the girl. "Saw you flying here. Like new costume"

Kara smiled widely. "Thanks! It's probably only temporary though" she spoke as Cass motioned for a waiter to come over before ordering drinks for all of them. "You realize you're a kid right?" Kara asked as she gave Cass a strong glare.

"Water for self" Cass spoke as she pulled out a water bottle and waved off the girls concerns. "Building reputation. Party girl. Wayne"

"Oh" (y/n) nodded as he realized what she was saying. "Like father like daughter I suppose"

Cassandra smiled and nodded. "Exactly"

Kara smiled. "Well then party girl how do you feel about finding a club after this?"

"Strongly against" both Cassandra and (y/n) spoke at once.

Kara huffed as she took her head off the boys shoulder and glared at him. "Come on! Let's have some fun"

"Fun?" The boy asked as he crossed his arms. "We're in Gotham. Fun here is just barely avoiding death"

"Accurate" Cass nodded as she lifted up her shirt slightly to show off a fresh scar. "Fun from hour ago"

"Whoa what happened?" Kara asked as she quickly used her X-Ray vision to make sure she was okay.

"Mom in town again" was all Cass spoke before the drinks were brought to them. "Thanks"

(Y/n) quickly grabbed his before sipping it as Kara downed hers in a couple seconds since she couldn't get drunk. Cass stared at her red wine for a moment before holding it out to (y/n).

"Drink it" both girls quickly gave the boy a confused look. "You may be a kid but you're also Cassandra Cain-Wayne. You're good at everything... except you've never drank so don't you think you should start building up an immunity?"

Cassandra and Kara were both silent for a moment before Cass took a small sip of the wine and scowled. "Yucky" she muttered as she took another sip.

"Did you just convince a child to drink?" Kara asked after another moment as she looked at the boy again.

"It needed to be done. You have any idea how many people are going to try and get her to drink when she's in college?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms. "She's a Wayne. She'll be expected to"

Kara was silent once again. Not sure whether this whole situation was a good thing or bad thing.

Word count: 1066

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