The Woman Of Tomorrow

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"So to make a long story short I now know that one should never get between a cat and it's kittens" (y/n) spoke as he lifted his arm to once again show Kara the scratches on his arm.

"Damn" Kara nodded as she ran her hand over the scratches, causing the boy to wince. "I-" the girl suddenly went silent as she heard the sounds of a vehicles breaks and cars horns honking. The boy looked away for a moment to hide his wincing and in that moment Kara super-sped away.

Kara ran down the street at her top speed, the cars essentially standing still as she ran. She ran between two cars which seemed to be about to crash, emptied both cars of passengers, placing them on the sidewalk, before getting between the two cars and holding her arms out to stop them from hitting one another.

Kara stopped her speed and suddenly everything came crashing into her, luckily the two cars couldn't get past her hands so they weren't as damaged as they would have been had she not been there.

Kara Quickly sped up her body so nobody in the area would be able to make out her characteristics or any other things which would give her identity away. "Hi" she nodded with her distorted voice before she sped away.

She ran and returned to normal speed before grabbing two milkshakes and returning to (y/n) who seemed to have just given up on trying to find Kara again.

"Hey!" She ran up to him as he turned around. "Sorry! Thought I'd get us something"

"Thanks" (y/n) replied as he put out his hand and Kara put one of the milkshakes in it. "Although in the future I'd rather you didn't ditch me to do it" he spoke as he began to sip on his drink.

"I'll try to keep that in mind" Kara smiled at the boy beside her before beginning to walk again at the same moment (y/n) did. She entwined one of her arms with (y/n)'s and sipped her milkshake as they kept walking back in the directions of their farms.


Kara let out a long sigh as she floated high above the earth. Just barely still in the atmosphere. She stared down at the primarily blue and green glove below her as she began to listen.

Cars, wind, explosions, Kara heard all these things and many more as she listened. She looked down at her outfit, Clark probably wouldn't approve of it. She had cut up one of her skirts to be a bit more aerodynamic and taken one of her shirts she had yet to wear in public. She also put on gloves and heels because they looked good on her. All of these clothes were virtually indestructible to anything but her powers since they were made in the fortress of solitude.

 All of these clothes were virtually indestructible to anything but her powers since they were made in the fortress of solitude

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Suddenly Kara heard a scream and decided that would be what she would go help with. She flew down quickly towards Blüdhaven and landed between a man and a woman who was holding a gun. "Boo!" She yelled before blowing at the gun holding woman, forcing her to bang her head against the wall behind her and fall unconscious. "Call the police"

"Thank you!" Kara barely heard the words as she sped away towards the next nearest crime that was in progress.

"Ooh a break in!" The four criminals turned only for Kara to punch the closest one to her into another of them. The last two quickly pulled out guns. "Guess it's time to test the clothing's invulnerability" Kara shrugged as they began shooting, the bullets bounced off of Kara.

Soon enough the two were out of Ammo. "Done? My turn" Kara quickly knocked the two to the ground. "Supergirl wins again!" She knocked them out and super sped a couple cops into the room, then sped out to search for more crime.

"This is fun!" Kara laughed to herself as she flew on top of a building and landed.

"Didn't Superman tell you to stay in Smallville?" Kara quickly turned, startled, and groaned as she saw Batman.

"Didn't Superman tell you to stay in Smallville?" Kara quickly turned, startled, and groaned as she saw Batman

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"...he did" Kara replied as she fiddled with her fingers and looked down at them. "But I stopped a crash there, it was exciting and I wanted to try stuff like that again. You aren't going to tell him are you?" She looked back up at Batman.

Batman was silent for a moment. "I'm having dinner with Clark tomorrow night. Tell him before I do. Now get out of my city" Batman glared at Kara, prompting her to turn and quickly fly away.

Once back up in the sky Kara sighed. All things considered that was one of her better interactions with the dark knight.

Kara quickly flew back down to Smallville, flying quickly through the window of her room and landing on her bed.

Kara quickly sat down and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. "Alright then. Time to call Clark. Phone-" she was about to tell the phone to call Clark when she remembered what (y/n) had taught her about earth phones. She also decided just to text Clark so she didn't have to deal with him just yet.

"Hey Siri" Kara called to her phone after remembering the name she was supposed to say. The phone turned itself on and scanned her face to unlock itself.

"Text Clark Kent: started fighting crime. Either I told you or bats told you. Not going to stop. Goodnight" the text was sent and Kara quickly placed the phone back down before using her super speed to change into her pajamas and get into bed.

Kara stared out the window at the moon as she lay down and yawned. "Goodnight Moon" she closed her eyes and smiled as she heard the sound of her phone getting a notification. She ignored it and a few moments later fell asleep.

Word count: 1024

(Kinda upset Kara's only suit with the white shirt is so revealing, would have prefered cute to revealing. Favorite scene of the chapter and thoughts on Kara's suit?)

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