Ms. Gsptlsnz

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Kara Zor-El levitated up in space, her eyes closed as she soaked in the rays of sunlight which granted and enhanced the powers she was known best for.

It was easy to get overwhelmed on earth, especially with her senses. Up here she got away from all of that. She had found herself coming here more and more often as she kept doing her job.

The girl was startled out of her relaxation as she felt something hit her hand. She opened her eyes and quickly snagged the item before it could float away.

She frowned and tried speak as she held up the little hat before remembering she was in space.

"Hello superbroad!" Mr. Mxyzptlk somehow spoke as he appeared before Kara and snatched his hat back. "Can't annoy me here can ya?"

Kara crossed her arms. She shook her head. She wasn't going to annoy this little imp after everything he had done as revenge after the last time.

"So ready to behave like a good little superchump?" Kara nodded slowly. "Great! Want to stay up here or go down so I can decimate your place?"

Kara quickly made a writing gesture so Mxy snapped his fingers and a pad of paper and a space pen appeared in her hands.

Kara quickly wrote something down on the paper before showing it to Mr. Mxyzptlk. "Let's go down to Kltpzyxm" the imp read with a frown. "Where the hell is Kltp-" there was a almost unbearable pop and the Imp disappeared.

Kara smiled, glad she had gotten Kal-El's advice for dealing with the imp. She never would have thought the way to beat him was to make him say his name backwards.

She closed her eyes again and went back to her sunbathing.


"This is ridiculous!" Mxyzptlk growled as he stormed through the door and into his fifth dimensional apartment. "I'm done with that blonde bimbo!"

"She beat you agai-" Ms. Gsptlsnz was cut off as Mxy snapped his fingers and smiled widely.

"That's it!" He let out an evil laugh as he rubbed his hands together

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"That's it!" He let out an evil laugh as he rubbed his hands together. "I can't leave for another ninety days but you can!"

The redhead raised an eyebrow and frowned before speaking monotonely. "You want me to go fight your battles for you?"

"Stick to my plans and it's basically a win for me!" Mxy laughed as he motioned for the girl to get off the couch.

Gspy kept frowning as she floated up. "Using our powers to torment lesser beings is so... three dimensional"

"Come on Gspy!" Mxy spoke as he walked over to the floating girl.

"It's illegal" Gspy said, not sounding convinced.

"I do it all the time and the tribunal never punishes me!"

Gsptlsnz sighed before shrugging. "Fine. I'll just destroy her but after that you owe me"

Mxy's neck quickly stretched his head up to the girl before placing a kiss on her lips. "Thanks Gspy! Love you"

"So you say" Gspy rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers and disappearing.

"And don't forget to torment her a bit first!" Mxy called after the girl.

Gspy's head quickly popped back into the fifth dimension. "Fine. But you owe me twice as much" her head popped away again.


"These plans are just awful" Gspy rolled her eyes as she threw Mxy's plans to the ground and they burnt away in flames. "Now wonder you couldn't beat supergirl"

Ms. Gsptlsnz just snapped her fingers and suddenly she was in supergirls home. The girl was sitting on the couch with her boy and she jumped when she suddenly saw the redhead standing in front of them. "Uh, hello"

Gspy snapped her fingers and the girl was suddenly wearing a kryptonite collar while her boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. The girl gasped as she struggled to try and rip off the collar. "What did you-"

"He's fine" Gspy replied in her usual monotone voice with a shrug. "Hanging from a skyscraper"

Kara glared at the woman. She wanted to worry about her Fiancée but the collar that was slowly killing her took precedent at the moment. "Take- take this off" she groaned. "Fight m- me like a man"

Gspy snapped her fingers again as she remembered that she had promised to torment the girl. They were now on top of the skyscraper that (y/n) was on the verge of falling from. "Oh no" Gspy spoke as she grabbed Kara by the hair and made her look at her boyfriend. She snapped her fingers and suddenly the boys fingers was gone and he was falling.

Kara's eyes widened and she tried to escape Gspy's grasp but failed. "F-fifth dimensional whore! Let me go!" She spoke as her eyes began to glow blue, only for her to suddenly find she no longer had any eyes. Kara's panic was interrupted by the sound of Gspy laughing, even that sounded monotone.

"I get why Mxy enjoys messing with you humans so much" she spoke as she threw Kara off the ledge of the roof and after her fiancée. "Although I don't get how he hasn't beaten you" she snapped her fingers and she was gone. "Mxy says hello and goodbye" the words flew into Kara's ears, stabbing at her brain and worsening her headache.

Kara tried to scream as she fell, it was hard due to how weak the kryptonite was making her, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to catch herself. "Kal!" She groaned before yelping as she was caught.

"Woah. That's a whole other level of blindness" Kara felt cold as the kryptonite collar was frozen and broken off of her neck.

"Thanks Frost" she groaned as she leaned into his grasp.

"Wow, no snark? You really must be freaked out" he spoke as he threw the collar away so Kara could get her powers back. "Who the hell was that?"

"I-" Kara groaned as she grabbed her head. "I guess Mxyzptlk sent a hit man?" She shrugged. "I hate that little freak"

"She was hot" Frost replied, Kara would have glared if she still had eyes. "Think we'll see her again?"

"I hope not" Kara groaned. "Grab my phone and call Zatanna. She should be able to fix my eyes"

Word count: 1059

(Gspy doesn't get the attention she deserves. Figured I'd give her some time to shine)

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