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(FYI almost all of my Steel knowledge comes from Superman and Lois)

"Come on!" Kara groaned as she floated upside down and stared at her boyfriend while he played games on his phone. The pair were in the living room. It had been a day and she was still bugging him about this. "You don't need to be afraid to tell me what you're into!"

"You would think that" was all (y/n) replied as he shook his head.

"Come on!" Kara once again groaned as she turned right side up. "Is it fucked up?! Is that why you won't tell me?" She gained an excited smile as she asked that.

(Y/n) remained silent as he stood up and walked over to the girl. He put his phone in his pocket.

"You didn't deny it! Please tell me!"

(Y/n) put his hand over the girls mouth. "Shush!"

Kara huffed before gaining a smirk and licking the boys hand. He quickly pulled it away and glared at her. "FYI if you're mad about that you're more than allowed to lick me as revenge"

"Oh I know" the boy rolled his eyes again before wiping Kara's spit off of his hand and onto her face. "You've said that before"

"And you've taken advantage of it" (y/n) was quick to give her a confused look. "Okay well not exactly. You didn't lick me... you drool in your sleep"

(Y/n) frowned. "I thought I had stopped doing that"

"I think it's cute!" Kara spoke as she reached up and pat the boys head. "And it's only sometimes"

(Y/n) shrugged before going to sit back down. "Whatever you say"

"Oh? In that case I say you tell me what I want to know" the boy stopped himself from sitting and silently began to walk towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"To the barn. I need somewhere to be alone" (y/n) replied before exiting the home. Kara huffed as she tried to consider what the boy could possibly be into.

Once (y/n) arrived at the old barn he was confused as he heard the sounds of machinery inside. He opened the door and inside stood John Henry Irons, welding what he could only assume from Kara's description to be his super suit.

 He opened the door and inside stood John Henry Irons, welding what he could only assume from Kara's description to be his super suit

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. The two hadn't talked much since their initial meeting but something in (y/n) wanted to mess with the man. "What is that?" He asked as he walked into the barn and the large man turned to look at him. "Superman cosplay?"

"Cosplay?" John Henry asked with a laugh. "Do I look like the cosplay type to you?"

"You can never tell nowadays" (y/n) replied with a shrug as he walked up next to the man and looked over the suit.

"Well it's not cosplay" He replied with a small laugh. He glanced at the boy and seemed to deny on something. "I'm a superhero"

"And you took Superman's logo? Isn't that some sort of copyright infringement?" (y/n) asked as he turned to look at his moms fiancé.

"You already knew didn't you?" The man asked, not sounding to shocked.

"Oh yeah" (y/n) nodded as he crossed his arms. "So what's your hero name? Supermetalguy? Supertincan?"

"Steel" John Henry replied as he looked at the suit.

"Really?" (Y/n) asked, causing the man to look at him again. "You take the logo but you don't take the super?"

"That felt like it was crossing the line" He replied as he put down his welding equipment.

"Can I try it on?" He asked with a smirk.

"You think you'd fit?" John Henry asked with an amused look.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before replying. "Not perfectly... it might be a bit big"

John Henry was silent for a moment as he looked the boy over. "I don't have anything yet but I'll hook you up with something" he spoke as he pat the boy on the shoulder and walked past him towards one of his workbenches.

"Wait seriously?" (Y/n) quickly asked with a wide smile as he turned to look at the man. "Something like your suit?"

"How about we start with something a bit less" John Henry spoke as he picked through his parts. "If you want a suit you'll have to ask your mom. Then we can work on that together"

"Awesome!" (Y/n) laughed happily. "So what are you making me now then?"

"You'll see when you get it" John Henry shook his head. "Now how about you leave so you don't spoil the surprise"

(Y/n) nodded before quickly leaving. Maybe having this man around wouldn't be so bad.

As he got back to the house (y/n) entered and was quickly grabbed by Kara and thrown onto the couch. "Come on you have to tell me!"

"You're still on that?" The boy sighed as the girl nodded her head vigorously. "I'm not telling you anything"

"Why do you hate me?" Kara asked as she pouted and floated over to the boy before sitting on his lap.

"I have many reasons to hate you. Just be glad I love you instead" (y/n) replied as he kissed the girl on the nose.

"Mmm... fine" Kara smiled as she leaned into the boys chest and put her arms around him. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop asking about this"

"God you're an annoying girl" (y/n) groaned as he slapped the girls backside, causing her to cuddle closer into him.

"Yeah but I'm your annoying girl" Kara smiled up at the boy before pulling his head down to kiss him one more time.

"Mmm" the two turned to see Nia enter the room and walk over to the couch they were on, the one she'd been sleeping on. She fell down onto the spot beside the two and instantly started snoring.

"She is adorable" (y/n) spoke only to receive a huff from Kara. "Oh shut it. You're adorable too"

Word count: 1055

(I just realized I don't think I've read a book describe someone as black in a LOOONG time. Is it okay for me to use the word black in this story when describing John Henry? I don't want to be cancelled)

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