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"Disgusting" Linda Lee stared at the costume she wore. Unlike her uniform she hated it. It stood for everything that she stood against. Truth, Justice, and the American way. She was sure that her definitions of truth and justice were vastly different from those of the American government.

It was so similar to her costume yet so vastly different

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It was so similar to her costume yet so vastly different. It was to colorful. To... hopeful. And the belt was just weird.

She wished more than anything she could wear her costume. That she could proudly wear the hammer and sickle on her chest. But this was America. This was the land where her people were villainized, where the people would attack her for her symbol. So for now she wore this, the symbol of aliens and the American way.

One question kept going through her head though. Why was it an S?


Kara Kent-Lang stood quietly and timidly. The claps finished and she quickly made her way down from the stage. "That was amazing" she smiled as she reached her husband who was sitting at a table sipping a glass of wine.

"Thanks" she whispered as she laughed quietly. "I'm used to bigger crowds. This was terrifying"

"Well it didn't show until you were done singing" (y/n) assured her as he reached over and took her hand while she sat down across from him.

The small restaurant was mostly quiet now aside from conversations that others were having.

"I need a nap" Kara muttered as she took her husband's cup and finished his drink. "It's noon. To early for you to drink alcohol"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes but didn't argue. "Want to head home?"

"Yeah, yeah I think so" Kara nodded before standing up. She left some money on the table as she pulled her husband up and lead him towards the door.

Once outside the two walked slowly together. (Y/n) had noticed that Kara was a bit out of it but he decided to attribute that to her nerves and being out in public. She had made steps but of course she wasn't completely recovered.

"Kara?" She quickly turned her head. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm-" she quickly looked upwards as something zipped by quickly through the sky with a sonic boom. "What the-"

"Is that Superman?" (Y/n) asked as he looked up, too slowly to actually see what had gone by. He then turned to Kara.

"I- yeah. Yeah it must have been" Kara shrugged as she shook her head. She hadn't thought it was Kal-El but she hadn't gotten a good look. "He was going fast. Must have been urgent"


Linda Lee began to slow down as she reached Los Angeles. She quickly scanned the ground for her target and saw him. "Parasite!" She called out angrily as she saw the creature draining some random civilian of his life form.

The disgusting looking creature looked up and growled as it saw what it thought to be supergirl.

The disgusting looking creature looked up and growled as it saw what it thought to be supergirl

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Now this was what she had pictured when she was told she was being sent to America. That was the first thing Linda thought when she saw Parasite.

She needed to finish this before any more heroes showed up. She didn't want to deal with them yet.

Linda landed a few feet away from Parasite as he grabbed a lamppost and pulled it from the ground. He swung it at Linda but she caught it easily. "Come with me. Let's not fight"

Linda had been ordered not to kill this creature. She was to bring it in alive.

Parasite growled again and Linda frowned. "Last chance"

He jumped at Linda and she grabbed him by the throat, choking him. She was shocked a moment later when she felt herself weakening. She threw him into the sky roughly so she was no longer touching him.

She tried to focus on controlling the shock she had felt and pushing it down. A moment later Parasite crashed back down, landing on a nearby building.

Linda quickly super sped up to stand beside of him. "I said, you're coming with me"

Parasite growled again but Linda growled louder and more angrily. "You are nothing!" She stared at it as it tried to process what was happening. He had encountered Kara before, this wasn't her.

Linda slowly walked closer. "I gave you a choice. You chose incorrectly" she squinted and Parasite screamed. Linda tried to block out the screams as she began to tear up. "I am your master, and you will obey me!"

Parasite suddenly went still, its brain was fried, incapable of thinking for itself. "You are property of the Russian government now" Linda spoke as she looked the monster over. She wiped her tears away from her eyes. "Your powers will be studied and replicated. You will obey all orders given to you by my superiors"

Parasite nodded slowly and Linda knew what she had done had worked. He would never again have an independent thought, not without some sort of medical miracle.

"Good. I'll take you to your new home now" Kara again wiped away a stray tear. She'd be doing this a lot from now on. She hoped she'd get used to it.


Kara Kent-Lang sat on her bed in silence as she scrolled on her phone. Her heart almost stopped as she got a notification from the Daily Star news app. "Supergirl Returns" she read the name of the article and immediately felt like she had just been stabbed in the stomach.

She quickly opened the article and used her super speed to read the article. It took four reads before she was able to process what she had read.  She prayed that this was some sort of fluke, she prayed to Rao, Nightwing, Jesus, Zeus, to any god that was listening.

She didn't know how this was happening but the picture of Supergirl standing before Parasite had been clear enough.

Mr. Mxyzptlk's words rang through her head and she had no clue if this was PTSD or if he was reaching out from his dimension to torture her.

"If you ever put the costume back on, I will send you back here. I want to always be the imp who killed you"

She hadn't put the costume back on. She hadn't right? Had she? Maybe she had. Maybe she had lost time like (y/n) used to. Maybe she was going insane.

Kara screamed and cried, throwing a tantrum as she threw her phone across the room and through the wall. She needed to fix this, she needed to figure out what was happening before she and (y/n) found themselves pulled from this plane of existence and back in Hell.

Word count: 1123

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