More Change

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Kara Kent looked herself over in the mirror as she wore her supergirl costume in her boyfriends room. "Yeah. I get why he's into me" she smiled and then heard the sound of the front door opening. She used her super speed to get downstairs and smiled at her boy as he entered the house. "Hi!"

"Hey" (y/n) offered her a small smile as he closed the door. "You're in your costume?"

"I just stopped a robbery" she replied before waving it off. "And it's cute"

"True" (y/n) nodded as he looked the girl over. "And that jacket is still really cool"

"True" Kara happily parroted the boys word.

"So why are you acting weirdly?" (Y/n) asked causing the girl to pout. "What do you want or what did you do?"

Kara grabbed the boy by the collar and pulled him into a swift kiss. "Bruce bought the team! I got the job!"

"That's great!" (Y/n) pulled Kara into a hug.

She rested her head against the boys chest for a moment before pulling away, to excited to stay still for long. "I start right after the school year ends"

"Wow" (y/n) spoke. "So only a few weeks" Kara nodded. "Neat"

"Very neat" Kara responded with a giggle. "Bruce sent over the outfit... I don't think you're going to like me going out in it"

"Kara I've watched football before. I know what the Gotham Knights cheerleaders look like" (y/n) replied, confused as to why Kara thought he wouldn't know.

"Oh" Kara was silent for a moment. "Want to go see it on me then?" She asked as her scared look shifted into an excited one.

She quickly zipped upstairs and in a moment returned, dressed in her uniform. "What do you think?"

"Huh" (y/n) nodded as he looked the girl over. "I guess Bruce made the uniforms cover more"

"Wait really?" Kara asked as she looked down.

"Well your boobs aren't basically popping out of the shirt so yeah" (y/n) replied with a shrug as he looked Kara over. She was wearing a shirt that while revealing covered most of her cleavage and stomach although not entirely. Her skirt was about what (y/n) had expected, a slightly shorter skirt than the one she used to wear with her supergirl outfit. The clothing in true bat fashion was all black and grey.

"So you're all good with it then?" Kara asked with a nervous smile.

"Of course" (y/n) lied as he pat the girls shoulder. "You look great"

Kara quickly kissed the boy. "Thanks Sunshine. Love you"

"Love you too" (y/n) replied as he silently hoped that he'd soon grow to be okay with the way Kara was dressing.


"You sure you're cool with this?" Nia Asked as she watched her friend hit her punching bag.

"Yep" (y/n) replied as he glanced at Nia as he once again punched the bag.

"Because it's okay to not be" Nia replied as she continued to watch the boy. "Your girlfriend is gonna be jumping around in a little skirt for a living"

"I know Nia. I was there" (y/n) replied as he hit the punching bag harder.

"Right" Nia frowned. "Look I'm only asking because you've been punching that for an hour and we're starting to worry"

"I'm fine Nia" (y/n) replied as he rolled his eyes. "Just trying to get stronger"

"Yeah I've never seen you do that before" Nia replied as she grabbed the boys shoulder and pulled him away from the punching bag. "Talk to me. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm your best friend"

"I'm really fine" (y/n) shrugged as he stared at the girl. "I'm going upstairs" Nia watched as the boy walked off and towards the stairs that lead out of the basement.


(Y/n) looked around the fifth old abandoned farm that he'd been to over the past week or so. So far it was the closest one they'd looked at to where they already were. "This one's a real fixer upper" he muttered as he watched a stray cat walk into the room and then run out when it noticed him.

"Well I already told you I can tear whatever place we buy down and build a new one" Kara replied as she walked over to a wall, she tapped it and it creaked.

"But why can't we just buy a newer place?" (Y/n) asked as he ran his hand over a table and accidentally kicked up tons of dust which caused him to sneeze.

Kara was quickly at the boys side with a tissue that he took. "Because I told Clark that we were looking for places and he told me Bruce owns a bank that owns a lot of place around here"

"And his bank only owns old broken down farms?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms.

"They're the only ones people don't already live in" Kara replied as she used her heat vision to vaporize the used tissue. "And I really want to build a house!"

(Y/n) sighed, it wasn't that he didn't want Kara building their future home, he just didn't trust her to do it. If she was bad at it they could always ask the Justice League for help but if Kara was good at it she'd no doubt overdo everything. The boy wanted a human house, not a kryptonian fortress.

"Please!" Kara spoke as she grabbed the boys hands in hers.

He sighed but nodded. "Alright. Is this free though?"

Kara was silent for a moment. "Maybe? Worst comes to worst it comes out of my paycheck but either way we have a house!"

(Y/n) sighed and nodded again. "Alright fine"

Kara pouted as she noticed the drop in the boys mood. "You know change isn't always a bad thing. This will turn out to be a good change, I promise!"

"Sure" (y/n) spoke as he watched a section of the ceiling fall and hit Kara's head, crumbling to pieces as it did. "Because how could this possibly go wrong?"

Word count: 1026

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