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Kara Kent watched in silence as the Batman looked around her school locker.

"Here" everyone quickly looked to Batgirl as she held up Kara's jacket. "NA"

Batman quickly noticed the hairs on the jacket and nodded. "DNA" he corrected her as he gave her a proud smile. "Good work" he quickly turned to the Kent's and dropped the smile. "If nothing was visibly missing he was probably after some of Kara's hair" he spoke as he motioned to the jacket which had multiple strands of hair on it.

Clark's eyes went wide. "He's making himself a clone"

"Or if it doesn't work then he could still attempt to repurpose it into a Bizarro" Batman replied as he considered the implications of this.

"We've actually been using the pronoun she" Kara spoke up causing the others to look at her. "Sorry, not important" she shook her head quickly. "We've gotta find this gal... how do we do that?"

"Successfully" Batgirl spoke simply as she looked to her father. "Previous lairs?"

"All checked thoroughly" Batman replied as he reached up and turned on his earpiece. "Oracle, the Ultra-Humanite has just become our first priority. Inform the league and the titans"

"Doing it now boss" Oracle's voice replied, Kara and Clark only hearing because of their powers.

Batman turned off his microphone before looking at the others again. "Whatever the Humanite is doing shouldn't take more than a couple days if he has access to good enough equipment"

"Let's get to searching then!" Kara clapped her hands together as she started floating up.

Batman glanced at Clark who in turn looked at Kara. "You're confined to Smallville Kara, remember?" Clark spoke as he grabbed the girls shoulder and pushed her back down onto the ground.

"Still?" Kara groaned. "He's not after me! He's got my DNA and he's going to clone himself a body!"

"Do you not remember what he did to you last time Kara?" Clark spoke causing the girl to frown as the memories flashed through her mind. "The Humanite is one of the few people who could ever defeat me, and he's doubly as deadly now that we're weak to her magic"

"So I just sit here and wait for you to tell me you caught her again?" Kara asked as she crossed her arms.

"For the best" Batgirl spoke causing Kara to look at her with surprise. "Sorry"

"Look, Kara, be a normal teenager for a while. It could do you some good" Clark spoke as he once again put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Hang out with your boyfriend and your friends"

"I only have three friends kal!" Kara replied angrily. "And that's if we're including my boyfriend. Either way none of us are normal, two of us are aliens, one has a split personality, and the last is Cass!" She spoke as she motioned to the Batgirl who was busy trying to reattach the door of Kara's locker. She glanced back at them and just offered a masked smile.


The Ultra-Humanite withdrew the strand of Kara's hair from the vile it was in, not bothering to be gentle since it was all but invincible.

Her eyes quickly glowed pink as she began to chant. She did not plan to waste any time now that she had the kryptonian DNA. The hair glowed as a pink magic energy surrounded the hair and it floated out of her hand.

In the old days the Humanite would have used technology to do what he was now but she was really starting to enjoy the new paths that magic opened for her.


Kara couldn't sleep that night. By the time Pa was knocking on her door to tell her it was time to get up she was on her hundred thousandth push up, the gloves and socks she had been wearing now completely worn out and falling apart. Luckily she had spares.

The tired Kara silently went downstairs in her overalls and a white t-shirt, she quickly took her breakfast and said goodbye before heading over to her boyfriends house. She tied her half pink hair into a ponytail as she ran.

Within a second she was there, tiny blue sparks following after her as the air around her crackled. She quickly knocked loudly on the door. Thirty seconds later a very tired looking Nia Nal opened the door. "Hi Kara" she yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey Nia" Kara replied with a smile as she hoped her tiredness wasn't as noticeable as Nia's. "Any cool dreams?"

Nia shrugged as she moved to let Kara inside. "Pink haired lady eating some hair"

"Gross" Kara grimaced.

"Yep" Nia shrugged. "Not all my dreams are prophetic. And even if they are they aren't always literal"

"Gotcha" Kara nodded. "Wait Humanite's hair is pink! And she stole some of my hair!" Kara must have been tired if she had missed how obviously that was about her.

Nia yawned. "That's neat" she spoke as the two walked deeper into the house and Kara closed the door behind them.

"Nia do you think you could use your dreams to find her?" Kara asked excitedly.

"Not without significant training" Nia replied before falling down onto the couch. "To much to learn in such little ti..." the girl began to snore as she fell asleep mid word.

Kara sighed before grabbing Nia's blanket and pulling it over her. Kara yawned as she did before quickly falling down beside Nia and falling asleep herself.

Word count: 946

(I'm shocked by how quickly I'm putting these chapters out. Legitimately have no clue how I'm doing it. Can't stop)

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