Red Daughter

369 21 16

(Some people didn't get a notification for last chapter. Go check it out if you missed it)

Deep in the icy land of Siberia an old Cold War era Soviet base lay under the surface. It had once been up top but a supernatural snowstorm had buried it. Only recently had a new entrance been dug, the corpses removed, and new staff been assigned there.

While the base had once been nothing of real importance it was now top secret, known only by the top officials of the Russian government and the staff that worked there.

Even the staff working there for the most part didn't know what was really going on down below on the lower levels of the base. The only exceptions being the higher ranking military officers and a doctor.

"Красная дочь" The girl in the cell quickly opened her eyes after she was called. She stood up promptly and her eyes met those of the commander. "Ваши тренировки возобновятся через некоторое время" the girl nodded obediently, ready to resume her training.

The commander left and after a moment in which she stood completely still he returned. He motioned for her to follow him and so she did.

Soon enough they were on the lowest level of the base. Usually this was where she'd demolish increasingly large objects but now the large room was empty except for a table and two chairs across from one another.

"Красная дочь" she looked at the man sitting table. "It is nice to meet you" she understood now. This was her new English teacher. The previous one must have asked to many questions.

"The pleasure is mine" the blonde's thick Russian accent was hard to push down but she managed to do it. If she were to go undercover then that accent would give her away as soon as she spoke.

The teacher nodded in approval. "Shall we begin?" He motioned for Красная дочь to sit across the table from him and she did so obediently.


"Если вы не прицелились, это может привести к катастрофическим последствиям" she took in a deep breath as her eyes began to glow a bright red. The warning that she had just been issued had not gone over her head. If her aim was even a bit off she'd be punished brutally.

She looked directly at the little blue dot in the middle of the paper and a moment later it burst into flames. The fire started at the dot and spread out, incinerating the paper.

She looked to her commander patiently and hopefully. She had to resist the urge to smile when he nodded approvingly.

She stared at him for another moment as he walked over to the table and picked up a box which had been sitting there ever since before  she had entered the room.

"Подарок. От президента" Now she couldn't hold back her smile. It was impossible. A gift? From the president himself?

The box was opened and Красная дочь was quick to look inside. She smiled brightly as she saw the crest on the outfit.

She looked up at the commander with an excited grin and realized her mistake. She quickly went back to a neutral expression and nodded thankfully. He motioned for her to change so that was exactly what she did.

As she stripped herself of her current workout outfit she thought about what was happening. She knew that she'd have to wear a similar outfit once she started her mission in the enemy nation but this one... this was her. This was what she'd wear while she was here in the motherland.

Soon enough she was dressed in the new outfit. The hammer and sickle in place of the ugly alien letter which adorned the enemies suit made her happy just by looking down at it. Words couldn't express how much she loved this, even if she was allowed to speak without first being spoken to.

"Это выглядит замечательно на вас" she smiled widely as the commander confirmed that the suit looked as good on her as she had thought it did

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"Это выглядит замечательно на вас" she smiled widely as the commander confirmed that the suit looked as good on her as she had thought it did. She nodded thankfully once again.


As she sat in her cell, Красная дочь fiddled with her cape. She had never had a cape before. She quite liked it. It made her feel powerful.  She also had never worn a skirt before, she wasn't so sure how she felt about it. But it was a gift from the leader of her country, so she would not criticize it.

She wasn't exactly sure how many years it had been since she had been brought here but she knew that these had been the best years of her life. Even if she hadn't any memories of the time before. If they weren't worth remembering then this must have been better. Right?

She was brought out of her thoughts as a slot in the door slid open and her daily meal was pushed inside before it was closed again.

She looked at the door and thanked whichever soldier was on the other side. She couldn't see through the door or the walls of her cell for whatever reason.

She got down on the floor and sat down before picking up the plate. She picked through the gruel with her fingers, searching for poison as she had been taught to do. Once she had confirmed the absence of any visible poison she decided to pick up her spoon risk a bit.

No poison. She would have tasted it due to her heightened sense of taste.

She ate slowly, enjoying the little amount of bland food that she got. She wouldn't get any more until tomorrow around this same time.

Once she had finished with her gruel she placed her bowl and spoon on the floor before the slot in the door. She knocked a couple of times and the slot slid open. A hand quickly reached in and pulled out the bowl before closing the slot for the final time of the night.

Красная дочь got up and sat back down on her bed. Красная дочь, that meant Red Daughter. She had never thought before today to translate her name. She'd be given a new one once she was sent to America anyways.

Red Daughter lay down and a moment later whoever was outside shut off her lights, leaving her alone in the darkness of the cell.

Word count: 1085

(Thoughts on where this is going? Been wanting to do this for a long time now)

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