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"Careful" (y/n) spoke as Kara picked up the boys car. She quickly found the leak and used her heat vision to fix it.

"See? It was easy" Kara shrugged before putting the car back down on the ground. "Good as new"

"I hope you're right" (y/n) shook his head.

"I am" Kara said confidently as she walked towards the boy only for Streaky fly between them and hiss. "Easy boy" she frowned as she backed up and the cat stopped.

"Good cat" the chilly voice of Killer Frost spoke as he smirked. A moment later it was (y/n) again.

Streaky landed on the boys head and lay across it. "Is-" Kara frowned as she stared at the cat. "Is that a cape? You got the cat a cape?"

"Me? No" (y/n) shook his head. "Clark dropped it off" he smiled as he reached up and scratched behind the cat's ear. "Cute right?"

"Very" Kara nodded as she once again tried to approach the boy only for Streaky to look at her as his eyes began to glow red. Kara stopped and Streaky slowly settled back down. "How the hell do I get a cat to like me again?"

"Who knows" (y/n) replied with a shrug. He took Streaky off his head and held him against his chest. "Food?"


The underwear clad girl of steel frowned as she looked down at her side of the bed. Streaky seemed to have completely taken it over. "Move" the cat didn't move.

"Just push him to the side" (y/n) spoke, the boy was already in his pajamas and in bed staring up at the glow in the dark stars placed all over the ceiling. "You're just as strong as he is"

Kara's hands went to her face and she felt the cat scratches that were quickly healing and almost gone. "Maybe I'll just sleep while flying"

"Don't be a baby" (y/n) spoke as he rolled his eyes. He grabbed streaky and pulled the cat closer to him so Kara had room.

Streaky glared at Kara as she nervously lay down on her side of the bed. Kara stared back at the cat until she heard something. "Gotta go" she spoke quickly as she got up and super sped out the window.

"Clothes" (y/n) spoke tiredly before hearing Kara fly back in and get dressed in a second before flying back out to deal with whatever crime she had heard. "And you" Streaky looked up at the boy. "Don't be a dick"


Supergirl walked up to Smallville's main bank and looked inside before knocking on the window. The teens who had broken inside quickly turned and noticed her. "You've got thirty seconds to put everything back and get out before I do it myself and fly you back to your parents"

The kids groaned but did as she said. "Now get" she pointed in a random direction and they quickly ran off. "Stupid kids" she muttered as she began walking down the street.

As Kara walked she looked up into the sky and used her super vision to see farther. Her eyes quickly locked on to some sort of pod that was falling. The pod looked almost Kryptonian. So familiar yet still different.

Kara quickly kicked off the ground and flew up. She quickly reached the pod and grabbed it, drastically slowing it down as she hoped she could stop it before it hit the ground.

A moment later Kara had stopped the pod and she slowly placed it on the ground. "Definitely not Kryptonian" she muttered as she looked it over. "Daxamite" she frowned as she realized it belonged to Krypton's neighboring planet, their many times enemies.

She briefly considered flinging the ship back into space before shaking her head and expelling the idea.

She came to the conclusion that Daxam must have been demolished when Krypton exploded. Kara imagined that if some of her planet had made it here to earth much more must have crashed into Daxam.

Kara took a deep breath before pulling the top off of the pod.

Kara was hadn't expected what she found. "You're not a Daxamite" she whispered as she used her X-Ray vision to look the girl in the pod over. She was unconscious. Kara had absolutely no idea what species this person was. Even her clothes were nothing she had ever seen before.

Kara was gentle as she picked the girl up with one hand and slung her over her shoulder before she grabbed the pod with her other

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Kara was gentle as she picked the girl up with one hand and slung her over her shoulder before she grabbed the pod with her other. She may as well keep up the Kent tradition of taking in strays.


Kara placed the Daxamite pod inside the barn before taking the girl into the house and bringing her down to her fortress.

Kara placed her down on an observation table. She grabbed a crystal before placing it in a slot next to the girls head. "Alright uncle Joe-El, here's your patient" she spoke as the girl was scanned.

"Planet of origin: Saturn" the voice of her uncle spoke from seemingly thin air.

Kara waited a moment before realizing that was all he had to say. "That's it?" She asked with  a confused look.

"The ring on her finger holds technology far beyond that of Krypton" the voice spoke as Kara quickly looked at the ring. "By extension that's significantly farther beyond the technology of Saturn"

"Hm" Kara frowned as she used her X-Ray vision on the ring. "So nothing about this adds up?"

"Correct" the voice responded as the scanning ended. "I advise caution"

Word count: 955

(Bet nobody expected Saturn Girl. Who did you think it was? Doomsday? Mon-El? Krypto? Comet? Comment who you guessed!)

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